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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2019 <br /> Page 27 <br /> j. Confirm Citizens Advisory Commission Reappointment/Appointment <br /> Schedule <br /> Assistant City Manager Rebecca Olson briefly highlighted this item as detailed in <br /> the Request for Council Action and related attachments dated December 2, 2019. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated the Council has asked in the past to have a broader discus- <br /> sion on the whole process when it comes to appointing and reappointing for <br /> Boards and Commissions and staff is prepared to bring forward some discussion <br /> later on in April but the HRIEC is going to be talking about their workplan for <br /> 2020 and this is probably one of the items to be discussed in January. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thought often times the Council is throwing new stuff at <br /> the HRIEC and from his perspective, he would like to see that Commission take <br /> the work that is being done on the existing work plan and see what progress can <br /> be made before throwing more things on their agenda. He did not have a particu- <br /> lar concern with the appointment or reappointment process. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte indicated a while ago, Mr. Trudgeon sent the Council <br /> information about attendance and she did feel like that is a part of their considera- <br /> tion. She was not looking to add anything new to the HRIEC either because the <br /> Council has asked for several things and are still looking to get some progress on <br /> those. She explained as people are leaving the Commissions, she would be inter- <br /> ested in hearing more of the exit interview, why it did or did not work. She did <br /> not think that needed to be a part of a formal process. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted in regard to the attendance information he received, <br /> he did not think any of the people who are eligible for reappointment were on the <br /> list of people with concerns about their number of attendances. There are one or <br /> two people who are rolling off who had that but no one who is eligible for reap- <br /> pointment had significant number of absences. He thought if some of the folks <br /> were on this, then he would agree with that. At this point, for this year, he would <br /> not have that concern. One of things that he would like to look at is the city's <br /> process for appointment when there are vacancies mid-year. That is a discussion <br /> he would like to have in the next month or two. He did not want to add more to <br /> the HRIEC agenda until Council gets some current work back from them. One of <br /> the things the Council was looking for is how to reach out and find more people <br /> of diversity to be a part of the City, in a way like a Commission, and how does the <br /> city create a process potentially for the application. That is something that the <br /> Council or HRIEC does want to get into at some point. <br /> Councilmember Groff knew that the HRIEC was working on that issue all of the <br /> time. He would want to know the attendance because he thought that indicates <br /> the person's commitment to being on a Commission. He thought streamlining the <br /> process was important and if done a couple times a year or maybe every four <br /> months, instead of jumping in right away to fill an open position,might be an idea <br />