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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2019 <br /> Page 32 <br /> community should have been done before any permit was issued to the cemetery <br /> to allow for this project. <br /> Ms. Pouchak explained her neighborhood does want a timeline for the project for <br /> next year. This project has been going on for a couple of years, she did not see an <br /> end in sight, and thought it was nasty. There needs to be some accountability on <br /> part of the cemetery and Frattalones as well as the city. She asked how this will <br /> be resolved as expeditiously as possible. She appreciated that the Council will <br /> consider regular updates to the residents, which should have been done all along. <br /> As to inspections, there has never been any soil covered with straw, it is a mess, <br /> and she has never seen an inspector. Maybe the inspector needs to notify the resi- <br /> dents when there is an inspection, and someone could go with them. <br /> Mr. Aronow explained he sees the company digging and filling in over and over. <br /> To him, it feels like the permit was established for a different reason and it feels <br /> like the company is excavating a lot of sand. He does not know what happens to <br /> it but it has not been a clear dig. It has been digging out and filling with some- <br /> thing else for a couple of years. This is not a forward moving project. He felt like <br /> this was living next to an industrial site without any control. It is very loud and <br /> destructive. <br /> Ms. Pouchak explained she talked to the Pollution Control Agency (PCA) and <br /> learned the residents can file complaints about dust that is going into the water- <br /> shed, and street sweepers are not using water because the dust is being lifted into <br /> the air and defeating the purpose of what is supposed to happen and not cleaning <br /> the streets. When it rains the sediment is going into the new watershed on Victo- <br /> ria that was set up when the road was redone so the city needs to look into that <br /> and start making complaints to the PCA. <br /> Mr. Richard & Mrs. Susan Munion, 1945 Victoria Street <br /> Mr. Munion stated one of his concerns comes from when this project was started <br /> over two years ago, trucks were hauling at 6:00, 6:10, 6:15 a.m. He had called the <br /> city and was told the trucks were not supposed to be on site until 7:00 a.m. That <br /> word must have gotten to the cemetery but the next step in the process was thirty <br /> dump trucks idling from 6:15 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. outside his window. He thought <br /> the letter that the Council is suggesting is a very good idea but possibly in the let- <br /> ter a contact information could be included so when there are problems, residents <br /> can call that person. The other issue he had was about two weeks ago, there was a <br /> thirty-eight foot side dumper coming out of the service road and during the next <br /> three minutes, there were two more side dumpers and a dump truck all waiting for <br /> the truck to leave the access road because there is only room for one truck on it so <br /> people were passing on the blind curve. That does involve the cemetery and <br /> something needs to be done for signage for safety going around that corner. <br />
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