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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 25, 2019 <br /> Page 6 <br /> He noted this is not the first time for incidences at this complex. He asked for a <br /> deeper background on past issues prior to this most recent issue involving this <br /> group of buildings. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill reviewed how the program works in the city. He noted that all <br /> of the issues that were citied in a previous inspection done in May 2019 have been <br /> corrected. <br /> Mayor Roe asked for representatives of G&G to come before the Council. <br /> Mr. Howard Roston, Attorney for G&G, noted the representatives of G&G were <br /> also at the meeting. He indicated he has had several conversations with City <br /> Manager Trudgeon as well as the City Attorney regarding this. He explained <br /> while his client does not necessarily agree with all of the allegations and are not <br /> as pervasive as indicated on the material presented to the Council, he was not <br /> there to dispute every item. Some of the items are beyond their control such as <br /> the BBQ in the bathtub and the individual tenants bagging their own smoke detec- <br /> tors, indicating this is very difficult to monitor. He did submit a letter last Thurs- <br /> day to the Council and City Manager Trudgeon. <br /> Mr. Roston reviewed the letter submitted which showed the significant work that <br /> his client has done recently. He stressed a close look has been taken at the staff <br /> report and recommendations, in particular items A-J. He indicated his client is <br /> willing to work with the city closely to meet those conditions. His clients have <br /> owned these properties for fifteen years without problems until recently and in the <br /> five years since the licensing this is the first real problem that his client is aware <br /> of. His clients are committed to working with the city on all of these items in <br /> fewer than ninety days except for some of the outdoor items that have to be done <br /> once the weather is better. He requested the city assign a point person to work <br /> with them to expedite the resolution of all of these issues. He explained that part <br /> of the problem his client has had is that it is not always clear on a specific item or <br /> the location of a specific item. His client is looking forward to working hand in <br /> hand with city staff to resolve these issues. <br /> Mr. Roston asked the Council for a thirty-day continuance so his client can con- <br /> tinue to demonstrate to the city that his client will continue to make progress on <br /> these issues. A lot of progress has been made in the last few weeks and he has <br /> submitted those details. He thought his client could demonstrate to the city by <br /> their actions and deeds that they will continue to make progress. His client re- <br /> quests a detailed building by building review by the city. Regarding the licensing <br /> issues here, his client would request that the licensing be looked at, not globally, <br /> but on a building by building basis and would like to get the buildings online as <br /> soon as possible. He assured the Council that his client is aware of the issues and <br /> is committed to working with the Council and city staff to resolve these issues. <br />
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