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5/4/2021 6:50:52 PM
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5/4/2021 6:50:51 PM
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Staffresearch –legal aspectsareyet to be sorted out <br />o Staff has connected with surrounding communities to understand how their <br />ordinances are written and in what scenarios they collect Park Dedication <br /> <br />Staff provided a brief overview of the history, purpose and land or cash options for Park Dedication. <br />Roseville’s Park Dedication Ordinance (1103.07) was reviewed with the Commission. Staff noted <br />that if pathways or right of ways are required as part of the development they would not qualify as <br />Park Dedication. <br /> Key Factors in Roseville that Activates “Triggers” Park Dedication: <br />o A “net increase” in development sites <br />o Can only capture for new lots being created <br />o Involves 1 acre or more <br /> <br />Outreach was completed by staff to 9 communities (Andover, Arden Hills, Burnsville, Champlin, <br />Cottage Grove, Mounds View, New Brighton, Shoreview and St. Louis Park) to understand their <br />Park Dedication requirements and triggers. Some of the key language differences appear to be: <br /> Do not require a “net increase” in sites but rather focus on increased density <br /> Some do capture Park Dedication on all units as long as they have not contributed Park <br />Dedication in the past <br /> Do not have a minimum acreage <br /> <br />Commissioner Baggenstoss relayed that he was happy to see this research on the agenda tonight as <br />population density is going to continue in Roseville and Park Dedication needs to address the <br />increases in order to offset the additional park usage. <br /> <br />Commissioner Dahlstrom questioned if there may be any unforeseen consequences to changing the <br />ordinance. Staff responded that they did not anticipate any consequences as Roseville is fortunate to <br />have a great location and people come to Roseville for the park system. In addition, staff noted that <br />the surrounding communities are currently utilizing similar ordinances. <br /> <br />The Commission discussed how Park Dedication funds are used to acquire new park properties and <br />how changing the ordinance language couldhave helped address the population density impactsto <br />the parks for development projects that did not qualify for Park Dedication. <br /> <br />Commissioner Arneson asked at what point the city would be willing to pay greater than the <br />assessed Fair Market Value (FMV) for parkland in southwest Roseville. Staff responded that the city <br />would be willing to pay a higher price. However, the exact amount over would be based on <br />reasonableness. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />
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