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consistent with the plans submitted September 2, 2022, and provided as a component of the <br />32 <br />33 report packet, unless otherwise revised to comply with Zoning Code standards. <br />34 b. The final screen fence design and location details will be finalized and approved with the <br />35 City Planner. <br />36 A LTERNATIVE A CTIONS <br />37 a.Pass a motion to table the item for future action. An action to table must be tied to the need <br />38 of clarity, analysis and/or information necessary to make a recommendation on the request. <br />39 Tabling beyond November 28, 2022, would require extension of the 60-day action deadline <br />40 established in Minn. Stats. 15.99. <br />41 b. Pass a motion denying the proposal. An action to deny must include findings of fact <br />42 germane to the request. <br /> <br />Report prepared by: Thomas Paschke, City Planner, 651-792-7074 <br /> <br />Attachments: A. PC Packet B. October 5, 2022 PC minutes <br /> C. Draft CU resolution <br />PF22-009_SstarbucksCU_RCA_102422 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br /> <br />