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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 17, 2023 <br /> Page 3 <br /> representatives who are trying to compile this, but Abdo has a pretty good start on <br /> it, she did not know if it was anything she would be willing to throw out there yet. <br /> Ms. Olson explained staff does have a list of cities that have been historically used, <br /> particularly through this past compensation study that was done in 2013 as well as <br /> for some of the City's union negotiations. Staff does have those cities that have <br /> been provided to Abdo that can be narrowed down. The focus is really on what <br /> criteria the City wants to use to find those comparable cities. <br /> Councilmember Strahan asked why the City does not utilize County, State or other <br /> public entities in the comparable study. <br /> Ms. Davis explained School Districts do not report the same way as cities do. There <br /> has historically been good participation from counties in the League of Minnesota <br /> Cities study,for example,but there is also the fact that the jobs do not usually match <br /> up all that well. In her experience, County hourly base pay tends to be a little lower <br /> than in a city setting so it can skew the data a little bit to include too much of that <br /> County data. Abdo can include it where it really does make sense and will. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder wondered when talking about comparison, if Abdo was <br /> including all the other benefits as well when doing a comparative. <br /> Ms. Davis indicated Abdo will be soliciting through the survey some benefit <br /> information with whatever can be provided. What is important to note though is <br /> that it is much more difficult to quantify, in terms of what is the market, and a <br /> number cannot always be assigned to a benefit that then can be compared to one <br /> another. What Abdo does is put together a matrix for the City that basically shows <br /> what the City is offering and then by benefit type compared to other cities. The one <br /> area where more comparative data can be captured is paid time off because it is <br /> easy to count days or hours for those kinds of things and to get a good understanding <br /> of at what point does a person have x number of hours or those types of things. <br /> Abdo will get at some of that, but base pay is what is driving the compensation <br /> structure and then the City can use that benefit data to sort of figure out the total <br /> compensation picture. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder thought a lot of times the other benefits can be an <br /> attraction for people when looking at where they want to be in a pay range. <br /> Councilmember Strahan wondered if most of the insurance plans for the cities are <br /> self-insured and if the comparisons were accurate. <br /> Ms. Davis explained Abdo asks for information about the plans offered and a lot of <br /> times, Abdo will get information back about comparable cities with similar <br /> packages. She indicated Abdo does get levels of plans and information about high <br /> level benefits. She indicated she will add that to their notes. <br />
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