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FML, Inc. <br />STS Project 93589 <br />August 28, 1985 <br />-14- <br />5. Pavement Design <br />The proposed pavement areas as shown on the Site Plans indicate <br />t that some paved roadways and parking areas will be located in areas <br />of known organic fill soils and soft silty or silty soils, extend- <br />ing to depths of up to 20 ft or more. The existing fill deposit <br />could be stripped to a de <br />pth epth of at least 3 ft below the proposed <br />pavement subg rade elevation. We recommend that this excavation <br />base be thoroughly surface compacted, then <br />proof -rolled to detect <br />areas of excessive deflection. Any soft areas detected by the <br />proof -rolling should be recompacted or excavated and replaced with <br />properly placed and compacted fill. The upper 3 ft of fill in the <br />' pavement areas should be granular, non -organic, and free of debris. <br />This should be placed in loose lifts not to exceed approximately 9 <br />j inches in thickness and be compacted to at least 95 percent of the <br />I maximum Modified Proc <br />tor dry density. For pavements placed over <br />the existing fill deposit, we recommend that a Hveem Stabilometer <br />.s value of 25 or a California Bearing Ratio KBR) value of 5 be used <br />for designing the pavement thickness. The final pavement design <br />should be based on traffic; loading frequency and volume as well as <br />soil types. <br />This pavement design alternative could result in some settlement of <br />the pavement ,and increased maintenance of the pavement surface. <br />UTILI'T'IES <br />Development plans indicate some utilities are intended within the <br />fill area. We recommend that utilities be routed to avoid areas of <br />known organic soils such as the area surrounding Borings 15 and 9. <br />If organic or soft soils are encountered during any utility trench <br />excavation, we recommend that the excavation bases be extended and <br />soft soils be replaced with properly placed and compacted fill. We <br />recommend that the base of utility excavations in the fill areas be <br />observed and tested by experienced STS Technicians prior to utility <br />placement. Any fill utilized for the support of utility lines <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />A <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />i <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />