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(b) The quantity of each waste currently in storage <br />at the Facility and its mode (by EPA storage <br />all <br />code) of storage. Summary reports of <br />implementation of the <br />incidents that require <br />Facility's hazardous waste contingency plan; the <br />records and results of daily, monthly, and annual <br />compliance records with <br />Facility inspections; and <br />Minnesota's employee right to know listing of <br />stored chemical materials. <br />(c) The location of each hazardous waste at the <br />the at each location. <br />Facility and quantity <br />(d) Records and results of waste analyses. <br />Records developed and maintained pursuant to this <br />except for the <br />section will be maintained until closure <br />Inspections scheduled. Inspection schedules <br />Facility <br />will be retained for at least three years subject to <br />extension pending the outcome of any unresolved <br />enforcement action. <br />8.10 Specific Records. The following specific records <br />be developed and maintained at the <br />and documents will <br />Facility: hazardous waste shipment record; tank <br />deposits/withdrawal log; waste characterization survey; <br />laboratory analysis reports, daily inspection logs; <br />inspection logs; annual inspection <br />weekly and monthly <br />logs; incident report records; product worksheet; <br />quality control analysis record. <br />8.20 Annual Report. A report describing Facility <br />be and submitted to the MPCA, <br />operations will prepared <br />P <br />County, and the EPA on an annual basis by Marc <br />Ramsey <br />1 of each year. The Annual Facility report will <br />include: <br />The EPA ID number, name and address of the <br />Facility; <br />The calendar year covered by the Report; <br />' <br />The EPA ID number of each generator from which <br />hazardous waste was received during the year; <br />The quantity and type of each manifested <br />identified by generator; <br />hazardous waste received <br />The method of processing and or storage utilized <br />for each hazardous waste; <br />Ground water quality monitoring data; and <br />The most recent closure cost estimate. <br />35. <br />