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Eugene Shultz, Case No. 1925 <br />Page 2 <br />6. From examining the site, you will notice that there is considerable <br />regrowth along the contiguous common boundary between the property in <br />question and the lot to the north. This side of the 100 foot lot <br />(contiguous to the property in question) contains the driveway. Thus, it <br />would seem that a house built on the new 75 foot lot created wi, <br />normal required 10 foot setback would not present any deleterious <br />damage to the north lot. <br />7. Attached is a drawing <br />submitted by the <br />applicant showing <br />the <br />proposed <br />lot division and the <br />proposed location <br />of the house on <br />the <br />property. <br />A driveway to a new <br />house to be built <br />on the property would <br />have to <br />and <br />be constructed so as <br />to allow a vehicle to turn around on <br />forward motion (rather than <br />the site <br />backing into <br />enter Victoria Street <br />with a <br />Victoria). <br />8. You will also <br />notice that the <br />applicant proposes to construct the <br />new <br />house along a <br />line connecting <br />the two existing homes to the north <br />and <br />south. This <br />seems to be a <br />sensible proposal, though the Roseville <br />Zoning Code <br />does not require <br />a home under these circumstances to be <br />The <br />setback more <br />than 40 feet <br />from the new right-of-way line. <br />be 75 feet. <br />This <br />setback from <br />the new right-of-way <br />line is proposed to <br />the <br />will be more <br />harmonious with <br />the existing setback on the lot to <br />the <br />north, which <br />will be 83 feet from <br />the ultimate right-of-way line on <br />west side of <br />Victoria Street. <br />9. You will recall that an additional 10 feet of dedication is required <br />for <br />this portion of Victoria since <br />tho County Highway Plan <br />calls for a total <br />right-of-way width of 86 feet <br />versus the 66 feet. <br />10. The proposal at this time is <br />to leave the existing 50 <br />foot lot as <br />is. <br />That lot is not automatically <br />buildable since the: lot <br />width is not <br />70 <br />percent of the required 85 <br />foot standard established <br />by the City <br />in <br />1959. Thus, a building permit cannot be issued for <br />the 50 fort <br />lot <br />unless a variance is requested <br />and approved by the City <br />Council. <br />11. You will recall the policy statement in the Zoning Ordinance adopted in <br />1959 that states that any lot, platted prior to adoption of the Ordinance <br />in 1959 is deemed automatically buildable if it meets at least 70 <br />percent of the lot width ai.d area requirements. Seventy percent of 85 <br />feet is 59.5 feet. <br />