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• <br />CASE NUMBER: 1569-84 <br />Page 7 <br />There are some locations where the planting plan should be modified <br />so as to eliminate line of sight problems at intersections. This can <br />be modified by substituting deciduous trees for coniferous trees in <br />several key locations on the plan. <br />f. Utilities. The engineering staff indicates that the general <br />utilities plan is workable. Mr. Drown, however, indicates that he <br />may wish to analyze the possibility of eliminating the 12 inch water <br />main along the north side of the site, completing the circuit <br />(looping the mains) by extending a main north of Oakcrest. This <br />could possibly save a substantially some of money. Mr. Drown also <br />points out a possible concern for storm drainage at the intersection <br />of the access to B-29 and the east -west roadway within the parking <br />area. Mr. Drown may elaborate more on these concerns at the public <br />hearing. These details could be resolved by a condition that final <br />engineering plans be subject to staff review. <br />g. Platting. The developers are requesting the vacation of the existing <br />streets on the site. This may best be accomplished by a replatting <br />of the property, which may be a single site or possibly two sites if <br />a separate site is desired for the restaurant structure on the <br />southerly portion of the project. In this case, care will be taken <br />to preserve and establish easements for existing and proposed utility <br />lines. <br />h. Deliveries. Portions of the building on the north side are two <br />stories high, and access to the rear entrance of the stores is via a <br />series of stairways. This indicates that many of the merchants may <br />use the front doors for delivery. This could be a conflict with the <br />Fire Marshall's requirement that there be no parking along the front <br />access drive. The Planning Commission and Council may wish to <br />question the developers regarding this point. <br />i. Trash Receptacles. The narrative indicates that trash receptacles <br />will be placed on the north side of the structure and will be <br />screened as required. There have been no details prepared to date <br />indicating how this is to be done. We feel, however, that screening <br />of such trash receptacles will be an important aesthetic <br />consideration with respect to the residential properties to the <br />north. Thus a condition may be added that trash enclosure details be <br />subject to staff approval. <br />j. Screening of Heating and Air Conditioning Units. Heating and air <br />conditioning units are proposed to be placed on the roof structure. <br />The parapet around the building is proposed to be approximately 30 <br />inches high, and thus from many directions, the equipment will not be <br />visible. However, we are concerned about the possibility of the <br />equipment being visible from Fairview Avenue, inasmuch as the height <br />of that street relevant to the roof on the east side of the project <br />may make these units visible. We requested that the architect <br />prepare cross sections indicating the sight lines of visibility for <br />the air conditioning equipment. <br />
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