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Section 3. <br />Conflicts of Interest Definitions. <br />No public official, whether paid or unpaid, shall knowingly <br />engage in any business or -transaction or shall have, eit er <br />direct y or in rrec y through suc o icialIs immediate or <br />extended family, a financial or other personal interest, direct <br />or indirect, which is ihcompa.tb the proper harge of <br />his officia duties in the public interest or would tend to <br />imp-i his independence of judgment or action in the performance <br />of his official duties. Personal as distinguished from financial <br />interest includes an interest arising from extended family <br />relationships or close business or political associations. <br />Specific conflicts of interest are enumerated below for the <br />guidance of public officials but these do not necessarily <br />encompass all the possible conflicts of interest that might <br />arise. <br />a. Holding an incompatible position of employment in <br />addition to a public position which interferes, or may <br />interfere or tend to interfere, with the proper <br />discharge of public duty. <br />b. The use of confidential information obtained as a <br />result of public position for personal gain or the <br />personal gain of others. <br />C. The soliciting of "anything of value" by a public <br />official. <br />d. The use of the official position to obtain "anything of <br />value". See Addendum No. 1 for more detail. <br />e. Holding irstments which interfere, or tend to <br />interfere, wi"Ilt `the proper discharge of public duty. <br />f. Representation by public officials of private interests <br />or "associations" before city government agencies and <br />participation in the profits from such representation. <br />g. Participat tra sactions as a public <br />representative with an association, in which the public <br />official has a direct or indirect financial or other <br />personal interest, without full disclosure. <br />h. Personal interest in legislation adopted by the body of <br />which such public�"olFcial is a member, to the extent <br />that private interest takes precedence over public <br />interest and public duty. <br />Entry into contracts-,.= licenses, or land development, <br />or other conduct of business for persona l— or <br />profit, in which a public official or his/her "extended <br />family" has a substantial or controlling interest when <br />-3- <br />