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Planning Office Hours <br />Howard Fahlgren <br />April 13, 1988 <br />Page # 3 <br />4. Rekuski t489-1388) <br />Frank Rekuski lives at 1,1!25 Josephine Road, and has been <br />expanding his house and replacing the garage as previously <br />approved by the city. His neighbor to the east is Vaughn <br />Larson (482-2564), who has expressed some concerns to Mr. <br />Rekuski regarding the redevelopment of his site. Mr. Vaughn <br />wanted tc review these concerns with somebody from city hall <br />so as to have an understanding with Mr. Rekuski as to the <br />manner an certain details of the construction would be <br />handled. We, therefore, agreed to review these items with <br />both genf:lemcn and would hope that an understanding could be <br />reached and put into effect. The ite:is discussed and <br />solutions arrived at were as follows: <br />1. Bay window on the east side of the hou:,e added to the <br />design after it's approval by the city will be <br />eliminated, and a straight window will be substic:uted. <br />(The bay extended further toward Mr. Larson's property, <br />and this portion of the house was built at the same 3 <br />foot setback that was approved for the garage). <br />