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3. <br />4. <br />1• Frank Rekuski expanded an existing house <br />the structure 3 a minor variance to at his location <br />feet from the build. the on Lake <br />This propert property rather than the re required <br />Portion of <br />t. <br />Attached is ya cooing been platted in guired 5 feet. <br />PY of the 1959, is in a S foot <br />for the minor drawing prepared at the setback area. <br />variance indicating time of the issues <br />expanded residence 9 the location <br />Of the house. ' and a proposed of the new <br />The walkway walkway and deck on the east <br />were within a few inches of y and deck were t side <br />the lot line. not approved since they <br />2• When the work was done <br />within 3 feet of ' the house was expandedproperty so as to extend to <br />be within 3 Y line, whereas <br />the sketch submitted feet of the line; only the garage was <br />double by Mr. Rekuski indicates cross -hatched cross -hatched area indicates the area on <br />extends into the S that expansion. The <br />to the foot setback area. Portion of the house Rekuski property on the Mr• Larson who lives that <br />minor variance proposal. east side had originally contiguous <br />the east side of the Mr. Rekuski had also built y approved this <br />At the request f house extending further into a bay window on <br />Mr. Larson, this bay the 3 foot <br />Y window was removed. setback.. <br />Since the construction exceeds <br />variance and shoreline that which is authorized b <br />seek approval Permit, it was recommended y the minor <br />reduced setback Of <br />an additional that Mr. Rekuski <br />that P minor variance to <br />procedure, as portion of the house accommodate the <br />YOU know, Te that was expanded. <br />property owners, o�� of quires the written This <br />written a whom is Mr, approval of the This <br />the variance <br />the only o lion Larson. Without <br />for the P available to Mr. Mr. Larson's <br />development 3 foot setback for Rekuski is to process <br />pment as a regular variance. the house <br />On portion of the <br />April 1�, 1988 Mr. <br />our regular �t1ednesda Rekuski and Mr. <br />work out Y office hours. Larson met with <br />some accommodation for The Purpose of that <br />Mr. Larson. We noted that the tstaffoncerns that <br />producingwould happy <br />a joint agreement. be <br />staff during <br />visit was to <br />expressed by <br />to assist in <br />