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<br />-,3- <br /> <br />\ The Planning Commission notified the CO'Wlcil by" letter that they have <br />examined the revised proposed platting of Hedlunc!l Addition. They recommend <br />to the Village that the plat be approved. - <br />Hammersten Moved, McGee Seconded the CO'Wlcil concur with the Pltnning <br />Commission's recommendations. Roll Call .s (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The Flarm] ng Commission stroïed in a letter to t he Council they wish to <br />hold over the proposed plat for Floyd 01son1s Fairview Heights Plat #3 <br />mtil their June 4, 1956 to study it and consult 'Hi. th their planner. <br />McGee Moved, Hamm.ersten Seconded the Plat be referred to the Planning <br />Commission. Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />A letter from the Plal1n;ine Commission to the Council stated that at <br />the Commissionl s last regular meeting the Ragl'Wld Addition Plat was <br />submitted to them.. The commission is of the opinion that the plat <br />shoUld be referred back to the Council for further instruction. <br />Hammersten Moved, McGee Seconded the matter be referred to"the Planning <br />Commission for their stuctr. Roll Call Aires (5)-Nqes (0). <br /> <br />Mr. Mould of Ions. Lane inquired as to when the comprehensive plan for the <br />Village will be reaðy--also that he would like to be notified when it is. <br />The Council advised him that plans wouldn I t be ready for atleast three months. <br /> <br />Hedlund <br />Addition <br /> <br />Fairview Hgts. <br />Plat #3 <br /> <br />Haglund Add. <br />Plat <br /> <br />Agreement <br />Adopted <br /> <br />Attorney Gearin su1:mitted by Jetter his opinion on the legaUt¡y of the <br />application of Standard Oil Comp~ and Sheehy Construction Company for <br />a permit to erect a gasoline station on the 1rorthwest corner oíLarpenteur <br />and Lexington Avenues. The attorney is of the opinion that the proposed <br />buildLng, if erected would hot constitute a violation of the present <br />zoning orèinance, provided a minimwn. distance of 25feet is maintained <br />between said station building and other buildings on said property. An <br />agreement to this effect was drawn by the attorney. <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded the agreement submitted by the attorney <br />be adopted. Roll Call A¡yes (5)-NéWeS (0). <br /> <br />The attorney gave an opinion by letter in answer to a previous request for <br />one as to1he validity of the :tillage requiring il'lcinerators to be placed ill <br />every new home built in the Village. Jim. Borden from the audience suggested <br />that builder I s opinions be considered in regard to such matters. <br />McGee Moved, Carlson Seconded the building inspector be asked to check i1Ï. th <br />builders in the Village and report back at the next regular Council Meeting. <br />Roll Call Ayes (5)-Hqes (0). <br /> <br />Attorney Gearin gave ansver by letter to a recent inquiry as. to whether the <br />Council mq legally expend f'Wlds for a Highway sign advertising the new liquor <br />store. In his opinion, assuming permissi.on :t:rom the Oilmer of the property in <br />question and further assuming that said sign will be erected within the Village <br />1hd.ts, that the Village may expend f'Wlds for the construction of such a sign, <br />provided that before construction the design for same is submitted to the Liquor <br />Control Commission of the State of Mimles:ota and his approval thereof obtained. <br />The matter will be reported to Mr. Turgeon, manager of the new liquor store. <br /> <br />A letter was received from H. & Val J. Rothschild Inc. regarding policy <br />number 3141889 and 3141888 binding coverage of furniture and fixtures in the <br />three liquor store locations as of May 6, 1956. <br />McGee Moved, Hammersten Seconded Mr. Rite of Rothschild be asked to bind the <br />above policies. Roll Call A;s"es (5)-Nqes (0). <br /> <br />Two additionaJ. letters were received from Rothschildl s, one acting as a binder Insuranc8 <br />on policy #BoS91414 of Fideli t¡y and Casualty Co. covering the stock of the three <br />