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City Council Meeting Minutes
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2/27/2024 3:02:24 PM
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2/27/2024 3:02:22 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 12, 2024 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Mayor Roe thought there may have to be some adjustments to the general <br /> Commission Code under meetings because the Council may want to add some <br /> specificity that when the Commissions set their regular schedules, all of the <br /> Commissions have a schedule that is also regular date wise. <br /> Councilmember Etten indicated the City Attorney did add specific language for the <br /> Planning Commission's meetings and he wondered if there was a purpose from <br /> State Statute for that. <br /> City Attorney Tierney indicated she was not sure if it was a conversation with staff <br /> or how it came up that the Planning Commission has meetings scheduled regularly <br /> but cancel them when there are not any matters to consider. She just wanted to <br /> reflect that in the Ordinance. <br /> Mayor Roe thought some language needed to be revised and apply the standard for <br /> the Planning Commission to every Commission for cancelling meetings. <br /> City Attorney Tierney explained the only point she would make is that the Planning <br /> Commission is a unique creature. It deals with requests from the public that need <br /> to be dealt with in a timely manner, so their workload is driven by things that are <br /> external. The other Commissions are not the same. For the Planning Commission, <br /> what is written in the language is that if there is no business, then the Chair and <br /> staff can decide to cancel. It does have a requirement that there is no business. <br /> Otherwise, she did not think the Chair and staff should be cancelling Planning <br /> Commission meetings. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed but if there is no business before the HRIEC, he did not know <br /> why the City has to hold them to a higher standard of having a vote of the <br /> Commission to cancel a meeting. He thought the same standard for the Planning <br /> Commission could apply to all the Commissions. <br /> City Council consensus was reached that the language from the Planning <br /> Commission, 201.04a should apply to all of the Commissions. <br /> Mayor Roe and the City Council reviewed changes to be made to the Commission <br /> Codes. <br /> Mayor Roe reviewed the bench handout regarding the Planning Commission. He <br /> explained under Scope, Duties and Functions,his primary mission,which has been <br /> a mission of his for many years, was to pull out the process about how to update <br /> the Comprehensive Plan out of the City's Code Section talking about a Commission <br /> and its functions and put it into the Land Use Code. Specifically, back to the <br /> Planning Commission language, what it would be then is that the Commission <br /> would have four items under Scope, Duties and Functions. Item A would remain <br /> the same, taking out the last sentence and adding item B, referring to language <br />
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