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2024 FIREARMS STOARAGE GRANTS RFP <br /> <br />Brief project descriptionand project’s geographic information <br /> State if this is a new, expansion or continuation of a project/program <br />Narrative (30 points) <br />Address the following questions in a 3-pagemaximum Word document with ¾” margins, single-spaced <br />and with a 12-point font size. Proposals are scored based on your responses to these questions. <br />Organize your proposal by labeling and numbering responses; providing an answer for each topic and <br />answer in the order they are asked. Please note: Narrativedocuments that do not follow this format do <br />not score well in this review process. Any additional pages or supplemental materials (including links to <br />websites) will not be included in your application. When ready to submit, upload the narrative as an <br />attachment in e-grants. <br /> <br />1. Organizational Overview (5Points) <br /> Provide a brief description of agency’s mission and history. <br /> Share your agency’s experience with past grant management. <br /> <br />2. Needs Statement (15 Points) <br /> State your agency’s need for this funding, including an estimate of the number of firearms <br />anticipated to be confiscated under Extreme Risk Protection Orders during a year. This may <br />be based on the size of the population served, average number of restraining orders served, <br />or other relevant data. <br /> Please share details about your agency’s current firearms storage and whether this funding <br />would support an expansion of current storage or new storage. <br /> Share details about where and how the firearms will be stored and what, specifically, the <br />funding will cover. <br /> <br />3. Timeline (10 points) <br />Please share a timeline that outlines when your agencyintendsto implement your firearms <br />storage plan. <br />Budget (10 Points): <br />Your budget should be consistent with your narrative and timeline. Please share details about what you <br />plan to purchase with the funds. All expenses must be listed and directly chargeable to the grant. When <br />estimating costs, please show your calculations by including quantities, unit costs,and other details. <br />Only include grant funded expenses in the budget descriptions. <br />Enter budget information directly into e-grants. Directions for entering the budget are available in the <br />Application Guide. The Budget Detail Requirements in Appendix Awill show you examples and specific <br />requirements for each of the line items. Budget line items may include:Personnel, Payroll Taxes & <br />Fringe, Contract Services, Travel, Training, Office Expenses, Program Expenses, and Other Expenses. Not <br />all line items need to be used. <br /> <br />DPS Page 5 12/19/2023 <br />Qbhf!279!pg!367 <br /> <br />