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2024 FIREARMS STOARAGE GRANTS RFP <br /> <br />Organizational Financial Information Form <br />This Information will be entered into e-grants form. <br />1. OJP Grantee Status (active grant in last 12 months or not) <br />2. Fiscal Information <br />A. Accounting basis. <br />B. Organization’s Fiscal year time-period. <br />C. Total revenue last completed fiscal year. <br />D. Total federal expenditures (only from federal sources) last completed fiscal year. <br />E. How often financial document are produced. <br />F. Nonprofits only: Most Recent IRS Form 990. <br />G. Date and status of annual financial filing <br />H. Nonprofits only: Upload evidence of good standing with the Secretary of State <br />I. Allocation method document (if applicable) <br />3. Financial Document <br />Upload the financial document(s) applicable to your organization: <br /> Agency with annual revenue under $50,000 <br />o Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) <br />o Statement of Activity (Income and Expense Statement) <br /> Agency with total annual revenue of over $750,000, but with federal expenditures <br />less than $750,000 <br />o Certified Financial Audit <br />o Certified Financial Audit Management Letter <br />o Corrective Action Plan (if applicable) <br /> Agency that spent $750,000 or more in federal funds during fiscal year <br />o Single Audit <br />o Single Audit Management Letter <br />o Corrective Action Plan (if applicable) <br /> Audit Information <br />o Name of Auditors <br />o Type of Audit <br />o Description of Audit Findings <br />4. Administrative Systems <br />Answer yes or no to the following statements: <br /> Our organization has had an instance of misuse or fraud in the past 36 months. <br /> Our organization has current or pending lawsuit against the organization. <br /> Our organization is currently designated as s high risk grant recipient by the federal <br />government. <br /> Current principals (defined as a public official, a board member or staff with the authority <br />to access funds provided by this agency or determine how funds are used) have been <br />convicted of a felony financial crime in the last 10 years. <br /> We have separate accounts for different programs/revenue sources to prevent co- <br />mingling of funds. <br /> <br />DPS Page 6 12/19/2023 <br />Qbhf!27:!pg!367 <br /> <br />