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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 20, 2024 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Mr. Djevi and Mr. Allen for the presentation. <br /> Councilmember Strahan thought it would be nice to take a moment to acknowledge <br /> one of the Board Members of the organization, Mr. Donald Eubanks, who passed <br /> away on March 17, 2024. She was sure his profound wisdom was felt and this <br /> continued but he was an important part of the planning of this event over the years. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Councilmember Strahan for pointing that out and stated it <br /> should be noted also that Mr. Eubanks was very active in the Imagine Roseville <br /> events shortly after the shooting of Philando Castile and was very instrumental in <br /> bringing people together for those efforts that were grassroots in the City at that <br /> time. <br /> d. Fire Department Staffing Review <br /> Fire Chief David Brosnahan briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the Request <br /> for Council Action and related attachments dated May 20, 2024. <br /> Chief Brosnahan and Assistant Chief Sjostrom gave a presentation to the Council <br /> on Fire Department staffing. <br /> Mayor Roe explained he wanted to talk about the increase in call volume because <br /> he thought at some point it has to plateau and cannot keep going up but then he <br /> heard about the demographics and regardless of whether the City has more senior <br /> housing, the City has more people in that demographic universally and that is not <br /> changing. He imagines that is a significant contributor to the call volume change. <br /> Chief Brosnahan indicated that was correct. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked where Allina fit into the Fire Department's sense of <br /> response to the number of calls. <br /> Assistant Chief Sjostrom explained that there is a time piece of related to it but he <br /> was not prepared to give a precise average response time at this time. He thought <br /> Allina's average would be between ten and fourteen minutes to arrive. He noted <br /> Allina was going to be anywhere from five to ten minutes behind the Fire <br /> Department getting to the call. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked what type of apparatus would be proposed to be most <br /> useful to add to the Fire Department. <br /> Chief Brosnahan indicated it would be a cross-staffing situation where there would <br /> be a medic response vehicle and cross-staff with a fire apparatus such as the ladder <br /> truck to provide the fire support as well as the EMS support. <br />