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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 20, 2024 <br /> Page 5 <br /> Councilmember Schroeder asked for a breakdown of the call volume in terms of <br /> what type of calls are the majority of the increases. <br /> Chief Brosnahan indicated there is not any specific call type but he can get that <br /> information gathered to give to the Council. He noted it is a smattering of all call <br /> types. There is not a specific type of call. He thought the increase was being seen <br /> across the board. <br /> Councilmember Shroeder wondered why there are more staff injuries and if it is <br /> because there is more staff or what is causing the increase in that area. <br /> Chief Brosnahan indicated he did not have a specific answer to that but all of the <br /> injuries were on-call injuries. There are a few related to the training but the majority <br /> are all call response related. <br /> Councilmember Strahan indicated she was curious about the low expectations of <br /> the ambulance response team and if there is a chance for higher expectations <br /> because it seems like the Fire Department is doing what it expected of the <br /> ambulance response team. <br /> Chief Brosnahan indicated he would not say it is low expectations and he thought <br /> the ambulance response team is experiencing the same thing the Fire Department <br /> is experiencing with call volume increases and the struggles to keep up with it. He <br /> noted there is nothing right now that is telling him this is going to turn around. He <br /> thought call volumes were going to continue to grow throughout all of the <br /> communities in the area. <br /> Councilmember Strahan explained over the last few years Chief Brosnahan has <br /> talked about his concern about growth having a lot to do with the multi-family <br /> housing and it sounds like Chief Brosnahan is indicating that it is playing out as <br /> more folks are moving into multi-family housing. She indicated she was curious as <br /> the City enters into a housing study and concerned that it may be a conflict to bring <br /> in more housing and impact further. She asked if there was a metric available that <br /> would give a ratio of people to call volume. She noted the City needs to consider <br /> that through the study. <br /> Chief Brosnahan indicated the Fire Department is not against growth in Roseville <br /> but felt there should be commensurate services to meet that development or density. <br /> He noted the Fire Department does have a number that is a couple of years old so <br /> it may need to be refreshed. The figure is 1.1 calls per year per unit for nursing <br /> homes, .8 calls per year for assisted living, and .4 calls per year for multi-family <br /> housing units. <br /> Councilmember Strahan thought one important thing in the information provided <br /> mentioned the interruptions to the inspections. She wondered if this was the time <br />