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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 3, 2024 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Ms. Olson reviewed the Scope and Duties of the Commission and indicated the <br /> equity impact information would still be a part of this. She asked for feedback from <br /> the City Council. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Ms. Olson for the clarification of equity impact because he <br /> had questions earlier while going through this information. He knew there was <br /> some discussion about the equity impact statements in the Request for Council <br /> Action but if that is envisioned to be captured through the Establishment and <br /> Purpose with a reference to Policies, Procedures, Projects, and Programs, it does <br /> not then need to be listed under the Duties and Functions. He thought as long as <br /> the Council was clear on that, he was supportive. <br /> Ms. Olson reviewed the membership of the Commission,noting there will be seven <br /> members and the language about the desired diversity of the membership make-up <br /> is different than other Commissions. <br /> Councilmember Groff asked why that language is not in other Commissions in the <br /> Code. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated that could be included and staff could bring back an ordinance <br /> amendment if that is the direction of the Council. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it made sense to put that language in the general Commission <br /> Code for all Commissions. <br /> The City Council concurred. <br /> Ms. Olson reviewed the recommended and optional changes to the application. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated he wanted to clarify question seven and what the question was <br /> trying to get at. <br /> Ms. Olson reviewed how question seven relates to question six. She explained the <br /> intent behind the question was to say everybody has different experiences <br /> throughout their life and some people have a lot of experiences that impact how <br /> they approach equity and inclusion. Wanting to know what are those experiences <br /> that are impacting their view of it. The second part of that is how those experiences <br /> reflect the diverse makeup that is getting at some of the different experiences. She <br /> noted this is a starting point but staff is open to Council changes. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated he did not have an opinion on that yet and was not clear what <br /> staff is trying to get. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder thought the question was very confusing and <br /> recommended the question be removed. <br />