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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, June 17, 2024 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Finance Commissioners Davy and Sagisser were also at the meeting. <br /> Commissioner Sagisser highlighted some of the items that the Finance Commission <br /> has been working on. <br /> Chair Bester provided investment recommendations. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder wanted to make a couple of points that the investment <br /> strategy the Finance Commission is recommending is State-approved. She also <br /> mentioned that the City invests long term so the City rarely invests for just a year. <br /> So, when showing the long-year trends, that is important because typically when <br /> bonds are purchased by the City, it is for extended periods. The timeframe will be <br /> similar and this recommended percentage is a very small portion of the total amount <br /> the City invests. She thought this was a good idea. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if the Finance Commission had a dollar figure they <br /> were recommending the City start at and if there are tax implications for investing <br /> and making money in the equity market. <br /> Chair Bester explained fifteen percent is the number. Finance Director Pietrick has <br /> advised and cautioned the Finance Commission that the look ahead to the Capital <br /> Investment Plans going forward is going to be challenging. He thought it would <br /> probably be over one million dollars but to be sensitive, he used five hundred <br /> thousand dollars as a way to put the City's 'feet in the water.' He did not see why <br /> these would be any more taxable than the investment earnings on the bond and <br /> other investments. <br /> Councilmember Groff asked if anyone has researched to see if other cities have <br /> done this and what their results have been in the State of Minnesota. <br /> Chair Bester indicated one other city, Woodbury, is currently doing this and the <br /> results are pending. <br /> Mayor Roe reviewed the history of the City's investments. He asked if the Council <br /> was interested in considering such a resolution that would initiate the process. <br /> Finance Director Pietrick indicated the Finance Commission has been discussing <br /> this for well over a year and she is prepared to bring a resolution forward to the <br /> Council for the City to start equity and investments through the State Investment <br /> Board. She explained she has been laddering the City's investments from one year <br /> up to ten years so the City has investments throughout the gamut to invest safely <br /> and try to gain as much yield as possible. She noted she had some investments <br /> maturing and was in a position to bring forward a resolution. <br /> The Council was in favor of bringing this item forward to a future agenda. <br />