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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, June 17, 2024 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Mayor Roe indicated one thing for the Finance Commission to look into in the <br /> coming months is the Fire Department and their possible hiring to be more <br /> responsive to the call volumes and repeat calls. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder thanked the Finance Commission for the work being <br /> done. <br /> d. Recycling Cart Request for Quote Responses <br /> This item was removed from the agenda. <br /> e. Schedule a Public Hearing for July 8, 2024, to Consider the Massage Therapy <br /> Establishment Renewal Application for Winway YH LLC, Located at 696 <br /> County Road B, and to Extend the Current License until a Final Decision is <br /> made. <br /> City Manager Patrick Trudgeon briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the <br /> Request For Council Action and related attachments dated June 17, 2024. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if the City would automatically push out the July 8ih date if the <br /> licensee were to avail themselves of the third-party process or does the City have <br /> to take a subsequent action to put off the hearing. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated if that were to happen, then a new public hearing date would <br /> need to be set but he was not sure if the City would know immediately when that <br /> date would be. <br /> City Attorney Tierney explained there is no automatic tolling,that concept does not <br /> exist in this kind of permit from the City. The way that City Manager Trudgeon <br /> phrased what is being asked of the Council is important because staff is asking the <br /> Council to allow their license to remain in operation pending the outcome. Even if <br /> the hearing does not happen on July 8, at that time the Council can consider a <br /> resolution to delay the hearing or whatever information the City has, a resolution <br /> could be made based on that. But, the Council's action tonight would continue the <br /> license regardless until that process fully plays out. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment with no one coming <br /> forward. <br /> Strahan moved, Etten, seconded, to schedule a Public Hearing for July 8, 2024, to <br /> review the Renewal Application for Winway YH, LLC, and to extend the current <br /> license until a final decision is made. <br /> Roll Call <br />