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Chair Ficek indicated he was a part of this planning and he thanked all of the <br />residents who came out and he thought there were great groups. He thought people <br />brought up some great points and were invested in it and a lot of them were bikers <br />and many were trying to look at ways to improve the community. <br />The Commission thought the bike plan looked good. <br />Vice Chair Hodder indicated concerning the protective barriers, how do the <br />snowplows negotiate them in the winter? <br />Ms. Lowry explained some cities take the barriers down and in other cities, it is <br />expected that some will be destroyed. That is part of what this demonstration <br />proj ect will be very helpful in and what the City staff talked to the consultants about. <br />She noted the City needs to discuss this with the County as well because some are <br />on County roads and she expects the barriers to be kept up throughout one winter <br />to be a learning opportunity for future projects. <br />The Commission discussed with staff bike path priorities in the City. <br />7. City Survey — Public Works Review <br />Public Works Director Jesse Freihammer presented the City Survey regarding the <br />Public Works Department. <br />Chair Ficek asked if the answers given in the phone survey? Were there open <br />answers? <br />Mr. Freihammer explained certain questions had options and others had yes or no <br />answers as well as rating the question given. He continued with reviewing the <br />survey questions and answers with the Commission. <br />Chair Ficek thought this was a lot of information and wondered if the public could <br />look at the survey information on the City website. <br />Mr. Freihammer indicated the information is in the City Council packet as well as <br />the PWETC packet and he would check to see if it was posted somewhere on the <br />City website. <br />8. Prepare for PWETC/City Council Joint Meeting <br />Public Works Director Jesse Freihammer indicated the Commission is scheduled <br />to meet with the City Council on July 22. The Commission is asked to create a <br />list of topics to discuss with the City Council to be included in the July 22, 2024, <br />Council packet. <br />Chair Ficek asked the Commission who would be attending the meeting. He <br />noted he will be attending. <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />