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<br />,....-,....""',...,-:-;,~·,,.:·:7'~.:...,,c,,· ......'"".'.,- <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />¿)"t,f~11 l/lovt-;Úÿ Ct:l'l~J):t.,~, f30:;(~t"r!tl(:;·{..:l t,;.1!J :/.l.::¡D C:'';. <br />Emgiœe;¡¡~ :;01' tao\.".lat:lon a:nd, ~:'Op(,H··(. at ';;))'2: ì'1;:;:~~;; <br />Ron C811 Ayes (5) .OL <br /> <br /> <br />.. '::,0 H :~~ <br /> <br />QO <br /> <br />The Clerk reportad t,;¡a't. he has cf)o.~l·~~)d ,.;:1. ::11 t,;y~ hi¡?;:nl8.Y ¿epartìllent as to ar;y <br />a.pproval the village coû.ncil might havo giv()r~ to t~~ ...~i~arp..:iC? .ac_c~p~"" ¿L- <br />ing arry plana for Sn~lling Avenue near.~e~H,. 36'F~~~~~~' <br />McGee }'!oved l Brennan Se~onðed t..11:') Cl<al'1¡ ::.::,c1".rlE0 l,<m.glas!tl of his findi.'1gsv <br />Roll C~ll Ayes (5)·,Naye:, (0).. . <br /> <br />. '__'. Kenneth BRuer, who recent.J..v aade appli'~G.t.iol'A :;:'QT pcaitiofl of dog catcher und <br />.~,,' ìMilton Dahneman, present dog oatcher é'lsf3cd the dog pI'Oblem wit..h the counciJ,LJ <br />.' Carlson Movedj Hmnmersten Seconded thÐ:C. !'lr" Dauer ba engaged on a tcn!JIOrs...""Y <br />basis to vor'< with the present dog cat!Jher at, tt.e sams rate of pay aD the <br />presen'ti dog catcher~ Roll Oall Ayes (S)...Nayas (oL. <br /> <br />Thé engineer on his investigation of Laurie Roael" <br />!lro Mueller and HI'" Ericlœon 1<lOre pres~mt t,o ask that. the road be accepted <br />and that tha:\r boud be released" <br />Brenmtll MovedÐ CD,rlson Seconded T...fJl1ri:& Ho~..d be aooeptad from Long Lake Road <br />to 1'<1arion Hoad and 'thlit the bond be \"E)leased,: RoD. Call Ayes {~)J~ayes (0), <br /> <br />The Police Civil St::T'viœ Com:mi~i'!d.o:{l G),(hr:lsød tho nOUl'H::i1, ulld\9r Sect:ic:m 12 <br />ot the Tempo!'8..'7 Rules and Regl1.latl~¡'Ãs of LS1C <:CillTi1:¡ so:Üont: that the7 ~iX'e <br />:L.""Unadiately au:tho:d.zod to -t.lle fallow-.:.g pl"Ov:l.sic)nal appointment: <br />Russell ~John Kenœp :.259 Oalterest., Rosevil19c <br />r¡'he police ch:i.d' adv~.5!ÇF.1 i:ber:ouncH 'by lct..\;..~:r (,hat Officer' Emmet'~ t-tulcZ'one <br />is no lOi>{~er w5/¡;b tho Rosevil1o P(Üi;;~o Depc,!·t!.r;:m'~o <br />Another leti~er' was read f'¡:>QR1 th(3 -chiøf 3,òvhdnë: tho ccm,nt::il that officeX' <br />Jooeph Tretter has 'œndared his rosigna:ê,ion to t,ile department as of <br />March 15!J 1957", <br /> <br />~ar¡;rt.tìn i1oved,¡ Biff'31!lnan Seconcled t.he ;('(::H3ignatiorm 00 accepted.., <br />Roll Call Ayes {S)<;>i'layea (0)., <br />Kitts MOV'8d~ }]cOeø St){;ondad the ::ne:t'}= b3 ins't,'I¡"1,W'wd to oheck with Ray Coooan <br />to f'i1¡rl 0..,£ J'11ùl"'e men are needed for the f!·sp;:n:'tmcn to <br />Roll Gall A:re~3 (~~)..ní13YeD (O)" <br /> <br />l'¡X C;.-~', I;' lr".'~ <br /> <br />))I.I\.";"l::) ~:":"!) <br /> <br />~)l{\f;LLII\'l} <br />IJ,EliJ¿ \' <br />f:~ 36 <br /> <br />1:0C; <br />Pí¡~LE1'¡S <br />',r <br />CA Tc;.'iK1.1, <br />HIRED <br /> <br />L\UPIE H <br /> <br />f.. <br /> <br /> <br />FC:.,::C. <br /> <br />..."····f <br />\, \.- .~ <br /> <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />POL::' <br />:R..ES.", , <br /> <br />.Ittorl1l3Y 'LCìi'Wg;..l3J;'d¡;:n. rapo),'\:G~ í¡'"h,at he hao no'!:,ii':1.ed th.e county attorney tor DIONIL ii., <br />the O'\>mar of the P3:'OPQl~ty at n1.rltilt1G end Lexington of t.he position of the I.EXIF''!Tm: <br />Viltr~.ft.rith ¡oagro:>d to the ma1i~~þ' as he was requ.ested to do at a previous <br />a it . meeting 0 <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />The building :inspector reported on bio.trrvestigation or a 40 X 13401$ lot UNDEH:r:.:>. <br />for which a building perlIli t ha.s been requested" '!'he lot is owned by 1,01.' <br />Henry Pothen and located on the northeast carnal" of Roselø:wn and Ham.lineo <br />The sanitary sswar is not available there at present" <br />McGee MoVed, Kitto S~cünded that pGrm1ssion to build on the lot not be <br />granted at this time.. Roll Call Ayes {,)....Hayes {O)ø . <br /> <br />Ken.'1.eth Gilles b chail"i.T'.nl1 of the Planning Commj:ssion reported on the question HOUNDSVII,"! <br />co~rning the possible annexation of a pY.!<tion of Moundsvim\T to Roserll.le", ANN1~Xll.'l'IC;1 <br />I t ~as agreed that a commi ttEle comprised of three representatives ot Rosev1lle <br />al1d three ropre~entatives of' l-lounc1svie"W should be formed \>:ith the purpose of <br />the cOJm<lJ:t.t.ea b-aing to: <br />]." Collect infonnation pertainit.'"1g to the economicg social and legal <br />advll'ot.agcm tJ1at :,\i~Y h'D m..jt.)yed if such an a.oo.exation were to occur" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />.;' <br /> <br />'¡'J ~"~ <br /> <br />'> <br />" <br /> <br />t,Y':, ',f"'ì c,:tf t~t1 ~~1\E:1ßJ:~tJ'J.(ùil J.~~ f1\"ttJb, :··lctt:t~.Jl:' f11)~J(~31'·r.; <br />