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<br />of. Since f4r. Rose is the only one with a problem, asked <br />if it wouldn't be cheaper to just relieve his problem. Opposed <br />to the improvement. <br /> <br />~m. RICHARD SETHER, 30ll Chatsworth: Lives next door to <br />Mr. Rose. There's a definite water problem on Chatsworth. <br />Thinks the program is an overkill but there are large <br />chuck holes a foot deep in front of Mr. Rose's house and the <br />situation is the same every year. <br /> <br />MRS. RALPH GOODING, 968 Lydia: Objects to the improvement. <br />Feels that Chatsworth is a problem but doesn't think one person <br />on Lydia will be helped in any way by the improvement. <br /> <br />MR. WILLIAM PATERSON, 966 Woodlynn: Opposed to the improve- <br />ment. Said the largest chuck holes in the streets are caused <br />by frost and not run off. Asked the engineer how many years <br />it would take in road cost due to run off to equal the cost <br />of the improvement. Mr. Goldberg pointed out that his depart- <br />ment is requested to "re-do" Millwood between Chatsworth and <br />Victoria every year and there is no way they can maintain the <br />area in front of Mr. Rose's house without getting some storm <br />sewers and getting the water off the street. He said they have <br />calls every spring to take care of the problem and have spent <br />money on Chatsworth trying to keep the water off the street and <br />private property because it comes off Lydia so fast and goes on' <br />private property. <br /> <br />MR. BERTRAND KOLLES, 965 Lydia: Asked if it would be <br />appropriate to have a show of hands of those in favor and those <br />opposed to the improvement. <br /> <br />MR. RAMSIS GOBRAN, l026 Brenner (Spoke before): Reference <br />had been made to a permanent street program in the village. <br />~tr. Gobran asked what this would mean as far as financing and <br />expense for everyone and as far as trucks going on the roads. <br />Village Manager Raymond presented the background of utility <br />improvements in the village and again explained that it was <br />absolutely necessary to have all utilities, including storm <br />sewers, constructed before going into a permanent street program. <br /> <br />MR. DIRK POSTEMA, 953 W. Millwood Avenue: If the Council <br />orders the improvement and the taxpayers involved are opposed, <br />what recourse do the taxpayers have. <br />