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<br />MR. RAMSIS GOBRAN, l026 Brenner (Spoke before): Suggested <br />the alternative of building the sewer straight across from <br />Chatsworth right into ~~. Rose's land to complete his sewer line <br />at the "village or the expense of everybody here so he doesn't <br />lose any ground from here on in . . ." Also suggested that the <br />waterfall be taken care of. <br /> <br />Improvement ST-72-2l <br /> <br />~m. GERALD ROEHNING, 2976 Patton Road: Said he represents <br />45 householders who live on Maple Lane, Manson, Brenner <br />and Patton Road, Troseth, County Road C-2 and Highway 8. They <br />cannot see that their property will be benefited by the <br />improvement and they oppose it. Explanation of the drainage <br />problems in the area given by Mr. Short and Mr. Goldberg. <br /> <br />MR. JOSEPH LEON, 2959 Patton Road: Said he doesn't under- <br />stand where the water will drain. There is water standing now <br />because of ice formations that don't permit it to flow properly. <br />Also said even if the improvement is put in he isn't sure if it <br />will take care of the condition as far as the Sandcastle <br />Park is concerned. "If you put a storm sewer in I doubt you will <br />drain much of it away from that corner of Patton Road and <br />at Stanbridge with the grading that you have on that corner right <br />nowll. Opposed to the improvement because he didn't see that <br />they would be much better off than they are now and III don't <br />think we're bad off now." ~tr. Short explained that the water <br />is now carried too long a distance on the surface and further <br />indicated the location of proposed inlets, intakes, catch basins, <br />etc. Mr. Leon asked if a poll could be taken of the people <br />that represent the general area to determine if any of them <br />have a severe water problem or if there is a large degree of <br />water flowing past their area. Village Manager Raymond pre- <br />sented the background of utility improvements in the village <br />and explained that it was absolutely necessary to have all <br />utilities, including storm sewers, constructed before going <br />into a permanent street program. He also explained that to <br />preserve the streets that are already in it would be necessary <br />to eliminate some of the surface run off. <br /> <br />MR. DONALD KOZEN, 2528 Lydia Avenue: Asked if the sewer <br />lines would be in the streets or the boulevards. Asked why <br />the street wasn't repaired on Highcrest when the sewer was put <br />in. He was informed that was the responsibility of the village <br />of St. Anthony. Also asked for an explanation of the 20% <br />minimum assessment and the proposed 28% to ~~assessment to <br />property owners for the improvement. <br />