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<br />MR. KARL SANDBERG, 2983 Chatsworth: Asked what recourse <br />individuals would have if the Council ordered the improvement. <br />Has never had a water problem. Opposes the improvement for <br />that reason. Said he understands that a permanent street <br />and curb and gutter program would follow the storm sewer <br />improvement at some future date. Also opposes this improvement <br />because he's not interested in streets, curbs and gutters. <br /> <br />MR. RICHARD CARRIER, 3038 North Victoria: His lot is lower <br />than the street. He maintains an 85 foot, 16 inch culvert in <br />front of his yard. "I do not have one drop of water off my land <br />that flows anywhere toward that drainage. I don't think I should <br />be assessed for this project. My water goes to the east of <br />Victoria." Was informed by Councilman Grauel that only benefit~ <br />ted property would be assessed. Mr. Carrier further said there <br />are other homes on the east side of Victoria that do not contri- <br />bute any water to this project. He was advised to appear at <br />the assessment hearing if the improvement is ordered in. At <br />that time if the Council decides there is no benefit he would <br />receive no assessment. <br /> <br />MR. JOHN ANDERSON, 974 Lydia: Asked if the street would be <br />torn up to put in the storm sewer. When told it would go <br />in the boulevard he asked about replacing the sod. Said he <br />doesn't need the storm sewer. Asked where the meteorology <br />reports were and who had prepared them. Asked what portion <br />of the improvement involved Shoreview and if they would be pay- <br />ing assessments. <br /> <br />MRS. JUNE DEMOS, 3079 Churchill: Referred specifically to <br />the existing system going down Churchill from Shoreview. In <br />that area the system is adequate. There were only three days in <br />the last nine years when the condition there was as bad as <br />the slides indicated. "Therefore, the only way we will be <br />served to greater advantage is when that land in Shoreview <br />is developed, and development is contemplated." Shoreview is <br />responsible for any increase in water and ~~s. Demos feels <br />Shoreview should be paying the lion's share of the cost, because <br />the people in Roseville don't need the improvement. Further <br />discussed a "waterfall" at Brenner and Churchill. <br /> <br />MR. GORDAN HANSON, 958 Lydia Drive: Asked Mr. Short if <br />the water wouldn't be running the same as the pictures show even <br />if the storm sewers were in. <br /> <br />MR. JOHN GRAVELLE, 1016 Brenner: Asked if the Council <br />would vote for or against the whole improvement or sections <br />