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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:53:53 AM
Creation date
2/1/2005 1:07:29 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />MRS. MARLYN NELSON, 2975 Patton Road: Asked how much of the <br />streets would be torn up for catch basins, etc. Also asked the <br />approximate length of time the streets would be impassable. <br />Mrs. Nelson said the worst area is at the corner of Patton and <br />Brenner and she asked if this improvement would really help <br />those people. liThe water, if it's going to pool, it's at that <br />corner which is down from where your last line is running across <br />from Lydia. II Mr. Short explained the location of proposed <br />inlets. <br /> <br />MR. HARRY MC KENZIE, 250l W. County Road C-2: Asked <br />what the plans were along County Road C-2 between Old Highway 8 <br />and new Highway 8. When informed that there were no plans <br />he said he shouldn't be included in the improvement if there <br />would be no benefit. Village Manager Raymond explained the <br />past practice of the Council where properties were viewed <br />immediately after assessment hearings if the owner felt there <br />was no benefit. <br /> <br />MR.. WARREN ANDERSON, 2921 Troseth: Said the plan shows <br />putting 400 feet of 12 inch pipe in with a leg going to the <br />northeast. He wondered if the pipe would be necessary and <br />if they couldn't just put legs in as long as it will be <br />dumped in the ditch. Mr. Short said that could be done provided <br />the ditch has adequate depth and further said no streets would <br />be torn up if the work could be done otherwise. <br /> <br />MR. JOSEPH TADDEI, 2926 Old Highway 8: Said he has no <br />storm water problem. Asked what kind of benefit he would <br />receive since they do have a ditch in front of the house that <br />is quite deep although not kept clean. If it would be kept <br />clean they would have no problem. Sees no necessity for the <br />storm sewer going through Old Highway 8. Opposed to the improve- <br />men t. <br /> <br />MR. THOMAS GILES, 2498 Brenner: Lives on the fifth lot <br />from the corner on the east side of the street. Said they have <br />no drainage. Further said the first intersection would be <br />Lydia where there would be catch basins. 1I...the water is <br />still going to run down my street to that point and deteriorate <br />my street to go into a system you're asking me to pay money forll <br /> <br />MR. PAUL WILLIAMS, 2516 Lydia: Said there's a ditch along <br />Lydia which he assumes would be filled, and if so, that would <br />mean his culverts would have to be pulled out. Asked if the <br />uillage would repair his driveway after the culverts are torn <br />out. Was informed that the cost of the improvement covered the <br />cost of damaged driveways. In favor of the improvement. <br />
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