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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:53:53 AM
Creation date
2/1/2005 1:07:29 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />cluded in the improvement and about 4 homes on the north dise <br />of Woodhill. The majority were opposed to the improvement. <br />Suggested that Mr. Meier's problem at 2776 No. Oxford could be <br />solved at much less expense than the cost of this improvement. <br />Mr. Parsons asked if the people through the northern part of <br />the improvement are really going to be paying for benefits to <br />get a storm sewer in on new county Road C since the county <br />wouldn't complete the road until storm sewer was constructed. <br /> <br />MR. PAUL E. BUSCH, 2764 Aglen: Presented a petition from <br />people living on Aglen opposing the improvement. <br /> <br />MRS. MARGE KVENILD, 2720 No. Oxford: In favor of the im- <br />provement because their neighbor's water at the top of a hill <br />drains onto their property. They don't have children but they' re <br />still paying school taxes. <br /> <br />MR. GERALD DOUGLAS, 2750 Lakeview: "I made a telephone <br />poll from where the storm sewer is shown down to Woodhill". <br />He said the general attitude was opposition but they did have <br />a few questions. Asked what kind of survey was made and when, <br />to determine where there are standing water problems in the area <br />and erosion problems in the area. Said he recognizes there is a <br />low area on Woodhill below Oxford and Woodhill where there is <br />probably a problem but he thought a drainage proposal costing <br />considerably less than $250,000 could solve the problem. Further <br />said it's hard to believe that the people on the west side of' <br />Lakeview can benefit where the hill falls off sharply to the <br />east and that entire area below, encompassing the nursery, is <br />not benefiting from the improvement. There is no significant <br />water flow along the surface on Lakeview. Also asked when the <br />master storm sewer plan was drawn and if it has been revised <br />recently. Mr. Goldberg pointed out some of the severe problems <br />in the area. He also pointed out that at the assessment hearing, <br />if the improvement is ordered, a determination would have to be <br />made as to whether or not the residents on Lakeview - especially <br />the east side - actually benefit from this improvement or from <br />a project farther east. <br /> <br />MR. CURTIS JOHNSON, 2726 Lakeview: Said the street tends <br />to slope a little east and most of the water runs off between <br />his home and Mr. Douglas' home rather than down the street. At <br />the south end of the street toward the top of the hill the water <br />really begins to run and he didn't see where any gain would be <br />made by extending the sewer up the street toward the north. Mr. <br />GOldberg explained the plan and said if necessary a manhole and <br />catch basin could be put in to pick up some of the water. <br />
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