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<br />MR. WALTER PARSONS, 2730 N.. Oxford: Presented a petition <br />with the majority opposing the improvement. <br /> <br />14RS. MARGE KVENILD. 2720 N. Oxford: Asked "why couldn't <br />that street be improved so it would go out to Lexington rather <br />than have t"loodhill have all this traffic and what is the zoning <br />south of Woodhill?" <br /> <br />SS-W-P-72-8 <br /> <br />lYiR. PAUL VIDEEN. l356 Sextant: Owns the lots on the <br />north side of County Road C-2 in the improvement. liMy <br />petition was to put in the street - County Road C-2 from <br />Fairview Avenue to Maple Lane and I don't know why the portion <br />between Wheeler and Maple has been eliminated. II Mr. Raymond <br />explained in a discussion about park property and the overpass <br />at Snelling Avenue. Mr. Videen said he was in favor of the <br />project as he had originally petitioned for it. <br /> <br />MR. GENE MINSKE, 1766 Maple Lane: Discussion re access to <br />the park and park parking areas. <br /> <br />MR. MARVIN SELLERS, 1784 Millwood: Supports the decision <br />that has been made relative to the saving of the trees. In favOr <br />of the present proposal. <br /> <br />MR. PAUL VIDEEN, l356 Sextant: (Spoke before) In favor <br />of the improvement. <br /> <br />SS-W-P-72-9 <br /> <br />MR. CARL FISHER, administrator of the estate of (inaUdible) <br />Question about assess- <br /> <br />ments. <br /> <br />SS-W-72-ll <br /> <br />MR. WILLIAM TAUBERT, 985 Cypress: Owns p:toperty in the <br />improvement and is the petitioner. In favor of the improvement. <br />A discussion followed relating to his assessment. <br /> <br />SS~t'l-P-7 2-12 <br /> <br />MR. PAUL BABER, 3001 North Albert: Had presented the <br />p€tition for the improvement to the Council and is in favor <br />of the improvement. <br />