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<br />MR. RAMSIS GOBRAN, 1026 Brenner: He said the improvement <br />plans to drain the water into Lake Josephine and that's Where <br />it's going now without any need for the sewer. opposed to the <br />improvement. <br /> <br />MRS. JAMES KINNEY, 1045 Woodlynn : Lives on the corner of <br />Woodlynn and Churchill where Mr. Short's pictures were taken and <br />the only time she has seen that condition is the day the pictures <br />were taken. Said the reason for that condition is the dr~inage <br />from Shoreview and asked why they should be eXPected to pay for <br />taking care of Shoreview's water. Also asked about the filling <br />that was done in Shoreview and said Roseville hadn't opposed that. <br />Further said, "lid like to discuss where the drainage ditch that <br />the shopping center blocked off - where their natural water flow <br />went and I'd like to know just who we're draining this water <br />for. Also asked why the water was coming up through the catch <br />basin at County Road D and Churchill. <br /> <br />MR. RICHARD EICHENAUER, 966 Millwood: Asked if there was <br />anyone at the hearing in favor of the improvement. <br /> <br />MR. GLEN ROSE, 3053 Chatsworth: Indicated he was in favor <br />of the improvement. Said he has spent $2,000 on his own storm <br />sewer project. He has over 100 feet of 24 inch culvert and a <br />catch basin about 8 feet deep and about 6 by 8 feet in cross <br />sections and said that the water shown in the picture wasn't one <br />of the biggest floods. The ponding area becomes a lake. <br /> <br />MR. C. W. DRAGE, 987 Lydia: III think some of this is a <br />little engineering overkill. . . instead of spending all this <br />money on this part of the project wouldn't it make more sense <br />to put a culvert from here to here and adequate catch basins to <br />drain the area from here to here which would be a lot less money. <br />It goes down to here naturally. The problem is from here to <br />herell. Mayor Linebarger asked if he would propose carrying the <br />water on the streets and the answer was "right". <br /> <br />MR. EARL J. BAILEY, JR., 3055 North Victoria: III'm on the <br />high spot on Brenner and Victoria and you see that solid line at <br />the back of the property on the south side of Brenner. That's <br />where the natural drainage is. There's a big lot on the corner. <br />That's where the drainage starts and it runs along that solid <br />line at the back of the property on the south side of Brenner. <br />Also we have been having trouble at the back of my lot - that <br />corner lot - people behind me. We get flooded out every spring. <br />We have a lake there. . . . the natural drainage is there and <br />this sewer system that you show isn't going to catch any of that <br />water from that cornerll. (Indicating Victoria and Brenner). <br />Opposed to the improvement. <br />