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<br />MR. JAMES KONOLD, 2998 N. Victoria (Sp~ke before): I <br />guess I didnlt kDOW the exact purpose of the meeting, but <br />from what I gather, it really doesnlt make any difference <br />what we say. My question is, say 95% of the people and <br />(inaudible) surrounding lots which I assume would be as <br />much property or territory as inner space - if they all <br />signed a petition against this - is that what I'm to <br />understand - It just doesnlt make any difference. So it <br />doesnlt do any good for us to say anything. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: We havenlt had any discussion. <br /> <br />CO~,CILMAN GRAUEL: I think the final decision will be <br />made by the Council vote. <br /> <br />MR. KONOLD: Even though a majority of the people opposed <br />it - itls still up to the City Council. One other point, you <br />mentioned you were aware of this when you bought your property. <br />I wasn't. I bought mine from the Keller Corporation and one <br />selling point was - look at this beautiful valley behind you, <br />and itls going to be a valley space. I moved away from the <br />City of St. Paul to get away from the sidewalks and curbs <br />and asphalt, and maybe Illl just have to move again. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: Probably the realtor at that time was <br />telling you the truth. It was designated for Open Space at <br />the time, but inasmuch as the county didnlt acquire the property, <br />the costs were too high (inaudible). <br /> <br />MR. KONOLD: I kind of disagree. I'm sitting here listening <br />to the general tone of the people talking, and the comment was <br />made that these people are simply against this assessment for <br />the sewer and for the drainage. I donlt think the people want <br />the development primarily and, of course, we're selfish. We <br />want it for our kids and for all that sort of thing, but really, <br />when it comes right down to it, we don't want this development <br />in back of us and we donlt want to pay for it. We understand <br />the manls position. He has property and he warts to develop it. <br />We say, okay, go ahead, but donlt penalize us for it. oon't <br />take money from us to put in his pocket. Those lots aren't <br />worth that much money unless theylre subsidized. (inaudible) <br />If he has to pay for his own sewer and water the cost becomes <br />prohibitive, but if we, in a certain limited area, subsidize <br />him and pay all these things, or help him pay, it becomes a <br />profitable venture. It seems when he bought the property he <br /> <br />-36- <br />