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<br />knew there were no roads and even though it was platted, it <br />had many things yet to be done with the lots, and it would <br />be assumed, I would suppose, many years ago, if you were <br />going to develop it, it would cost money to develop it, but <br />now it doesn't cost so much. You just shove it off on your <br />neighbors. Thatls what we don't go for. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: You said if 95% of the people - I want you <br />to understand therels a total of 56 lots and the most I can <br />figure out - therels probably no more than 10 to 12 people <br />who are affected who donlt want this. In other words, it <br />appears to me from the people who Bay they do want it that <br />we have about 44 lots in the hands of people who do want it. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: I want to ask one question of Mr. <br />Popovich. What portion of r.his entire assessment is chargeable <br />to the benefited property owners of the $485,000? <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: The full amount of the cost of $485,000 - <br />part weIll get from Shoreview of approximately $11,000. Then, <br />another $57,000 would be raised by general taxes, so 11 and 57 <br />is some $75,000 from the $485,000 - it would be about $410,000 <br />raised by assessments. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: So the statement you made that out of <br />the $485,000 there is around $410,000 assessed against the <br />benefitted property which will be 100% assessed. <br /> <br />MR. KONOLD: Maybe itls not quite as bad as we thought. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: You brought it up and <br />portion would be against the property owners. <br />contributing to was proposed (inaudible) and I <br />but I hadnlt picked up the $11,000. <br /> <br />wondered what <br />What you Ire <br />had $57,000 <br /> <br />MR. KONOLD: My reason to come up the second time was to <br />know if it would not be of value for me to walk up and down <br />Victoria with a petition. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: (inaudible) we have a right to cut down the <br />project, accept it. as it is, or turn it down. That determination <br />will be made by the Council, so I mean, youlre saying itJs all <br />cut and dried. It's not. Itls possible we could leave Brenner <br />out. We can do any of those things. <br /> <br />-37- <br />