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<br />MR. KONOLD: One last parting shot, if you please. The <br />outcome of this Council on this matter will be noted by all <br />the people up and down the street and it will affect our <br />voting next time and you can be Ilm going to become active in <br />politics in this village. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: I think all of us have an obligation to <br />become active, and not just at election time. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: There was another statement that I <br />thought was interesting and I primarily brought that up - I <br />want to rem nd you about one thing - that everybody is con- <br />cerned about the assessment that welre faced with here - the <br />public hearing - particularly because itls election year therels <br />all kind of accusations to the people that are presently in <br />office, but I tell you one thing - itls greater to stand up <br />and be counted for what you think is right than to be sold <br />down the river in a landslide. Now, the point Ilm trying <br />to make is this that out. of t.he tax dollars that you pay for <br />every improvement that you have paid for in the City of <br />Roseville - and thatls every street, every curb and gutter, <br />every sanitary sewer, every utility that is put in, every <br />park that is bought, the golf course, the rest of the faci- <br />lities that we have, the maintenance of the streets and so <br />fonth, you payout of your tax dollar less than twelve cents. <br />If youlre interested in checking on government, I suggest you <br />go one step further and check your county government who spends <br />about thirty-eight cents out of a tax dollar1 your school <br />district spending about fity-eight cents out af a tax dollar <br />and some (inaudible) Ilm not trying to point the finger at <br />somebody else, but a much greater tax dollar being spent from <br />those (inaudible) than what youlre getting here in Roseville. <br /> <br />MRS. JOHN SCHMIDT, 2897 West Owasso Boulevard: I want to <br />go on record as being for this project. We have applied for a <br />building permit in more than one instance. We even tried to <br />pay for the street back into the lot which is only one lot off <br />of victoria, and were told we couldn I t do it until t.his project <br />came through, and if the people would only realize that most <br />of these people who wanted to develop this a while back could <br />have had it developed at a far lesser cost than it will cost <br />them now. Ilm sure the city water now is three times the cost <br />to put it in the street than it would have cost a couple of <br />years ago - and take that into consideration. The more years <br />you wait, the more expensive itls going to be. <br /> <br />-39- <br />