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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:59:01 AM
Creation date
2/2/2005 5:22:46 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />13 <br /> <br />MRS. VICTOR ROSS, 2745 North Oxford: Very much in opposition <br />for many reasons. We have lived in our home for 29 years. We <br />have raised our family there and been very happy, and worked hard <br />planting our trees and been very proud of our neighborhood. <br />Definitely we do not need a street improvement. The condition <br />of the street is poor, but I can see no excuse for having to widen <br />(inaudible) narrow yards and make a raceway when the majority <br />(inaudible) I was always under the impression that a majority <br />ruled. Tonight I'm sensing that they don't and I really think that <br />the majority should be heeded and listened to. <br /> <br />MR. DRIES ELBERS, 2838 North Oxford: My home is also in the <br />blue area. I have lived there for eight years, but in the <br />neighborhood for 20. I'm very proud of the City of Roseville and <br />my property, but I can't say I'm proud of the street I live on. <br />I feel there's definitely room for improvement on the street and <br />I'm for the project. <br /> <br />MARGARET DRISCOLL, 2831 North Oxford: I'm a new home owner <br />at 2831 North Oxford. I support almost word for word what Dutch <br />Elbers had to say about the street. In looking at our home - <br />looking for a new home this summer, there's no question the street <br />was of concern to us. It's not in good shape and it does not <br />enhance the neighborhood. I think for the reason that costs are <br />rising, now is the time to go forward with the project. <br /> <br />I'm concerned about the drainage problems, to hear the horror <br />stories about what happens in the wintertime trying to get up <br />the street concerns me. I have two small children, aged 2 and 3 and a <br />half, and I'm not concerned for their safety if the street is <br />widened. I feel that will not pose any kind of problem. We <br />stand to lose three trees - lovely trees - but I'm willing as <br />an environmentalist to give up the trees for a much prettier <br />neighborhood. I hope we go forward with the project. <br /> <br />MR. JOHN HOLLOWAY, 2862 North Oxford: I favor the project, <br />but one thing I'd like to say is that I hope our maintenance would <br />be a little better on a new street than it is on an old one. <br /> <br />MRS. JOY PAYNE, 2788 North Oxford: We just bought our house <br />about a year ago and one of the reasons we liked the neighborhood <br />was the street as it exists. I'm from a smaller town and it felt <br />like old home coming down that street and I don't think I'd like <br />to see a concrete street. <br /> <br />~~YOR DEMOS: It wouldn't be a concrete street. <br /> <br />MRS. PAYNE: A city street. I also work in the City and I <br />like the idea of - it's kind of a rural setting - I like that. I <br />could see the street having some improvements made on it, but I don't <br />necessarily want to have the improvements that everybody is talking <br />about. <br /> <br />Another thing is also the petitions that were circulated in <br />the summertime or whatever time of the year it was. Some of the <br />
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