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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:59:01 AM
Creation date
2/2/2005 5:22:46 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />5 <br /> <br />The other two are on Judith. Also, some of the residents weren't <br />even approached with the original petition. They weren't even <br />sought out to see what their feelings were on it. <br /> <br />Also, I'd like to mention that if the street is in such <br />terrible shape, I feel it's the fault of the City Street Depart- <br />ment and City Engineering Department, or whatever. I feel that <br />this street has been improperly maintained, and talking to some <br />of the residents, it's been felt that it's been 10 to 11 years <br />since this street has been seal coated. This is not proper <br />maintenance and the City, or the residents of the City are paying <br />taxes for maintenance of the road. I think the only maintenance <br />that's been done is that they come through and cold patch and put <br />in the chuck holes for the water in spring time. I think some <br />better maintenance could be afforded to that street. I get the <br />feeling that it's almost done on purpose to get the residents to <br />petition for a street. <br /> <br />I have lived in this particular area all my life. In fact, I <br />don't think there's anybody in this room that's lived in that <br />area longer than I have, unless my folks are here, and I don't <br />believe they are. When Ramsey County was to maintain Oxford <br />they used to seal coat that road every year and it was in fine <br />shape, but it seems when the City took it over - I don't know <br />if anybody has been up there - but it's in bad shape, but I <br />feel it's been the fault of the City and I don't think the residents <br />should be approached to take care of it. <br /> <br />Also, in a letter that was sent out by the City that came <br />out with the notice of the hearing - which, by the way doesn't <br />mention in the notice of the hearing that the street would be <br />widened to a 32 foot roadway. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: A standard street for the City of Roseville is <br />32 feet. Those were temporary streets put in by builders, many <br />of them substandard, with the idea that some day it's going to be <br />built, but the standard for a street in Roseville, unless there <br />are extenuating circumstances such as trees, etc., is 32 feet. In <br />this case the trees, etc. are not on private property but are <br />actually on the street right-of-way. <br /> <br />I guess one thing I have to say is that I feel a little bit <br />selfish for some of the people on the other side, in that they <br />have lost part of their yards to the gain of the people on the <br />west side. <br /> <br />MR. CARRIER: This may be a typical street in Roseville <br />but I don't feel a lot of the residents know that, and I think <br />they have known (inaudible) and when they found out they did take <br />their names off the original petition. <br /> <br />I'd like to get back to the letter that was sent out by the <br />City with the notice of the hearing that this street would permit <br />more efficient sweeping and snowplowing. I fail to see where <br />it would be more efficient to sweep and snowplow a street when <br />
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