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<br />Roseville City Council Minutes <br />August 27, 1990 <br /> <br />Cushman moved, Maschka seconded, that Resolution 8601, <br />amending the assessment roll for Project ST-87-12, be <br />adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Cushman, Thomas, <br />and Rog. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />8601 <br /> <br />Cushman moved, Maschka seconded, that Resolution 8601~ RESOLUTION <br />approving the amended assessment roll for project ST- 8601A <br />87-12, be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Cushman, <br />Thomas, and Rog. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Cushman moved, Maschka seconded, that Resolution 8602, RESOLUTION <br />amending the assessment rolls for Project P-89-02 #7, 8602 <br />P-89-02 #8, P-89-02 #64, and P-89-02 #67 to reflect the <br />old assessment policy for corner lots, which was pre- <br />sented to the public during the improvement hearing and <br />neighborhood meeting portion of the project, be adopted <br />and a written agreement be authorized with Mr. and Mrs. <br />Jansen to satisfy their concerns, with the agreement <br />stipulating that if the street problem is not corrected <br />the assessment would be canceled, be adopted. Roll <br />Call, Ayes: Maschka, Cushman, Thomas, and Rog. Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />Cushman moved, Maschka seconded, that Resolution 8603, <br />approving the amended assessment rolls for Projects P- <br />89-02 #7, P-89-02 #8, P-89-02 #64, and P-89-02 #67, be <br />adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Cushman, Thomas, <br />and Rog. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Cushman moved, Maschka seconded, that Resolution 8604, <br />approving the assessment roll as proposed for Project <br />P-89-10 be adopted, but the payment of the assessments <br />on the Trailer Court property, Pin No. 10-29-23-11-0051 <br />be deferred, consistent with past practice and on the <br />advice from the City Attorney. Staff discussed the pro- <br />posed assessment to the Trailer Park and concluded that <br />based on their review, the assessment proposed is less <br />than the benefit to the property. This conclusion was <br />made after review of the proposed assessment by the <br />City's appraiser. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Cushman, <br />Thomas, and Rog. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Cushman moved, Maschka seconded, that Resolution 8605, <br />approving the assessment roll for Project UL-89-11, <br />be adopted, but the payment of the assessment for the <br />trailer court, Pin No. 10-29-23-11-0051, be deferred <br />consistent with past practice and on the advice of the <br />City Attorney. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Cushman, <br />Thomas, and Rog. Nays: None. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />8603 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />8604 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />8605 <br /> <br />Cushman moved, Maschka seconded, that Resolution 8606, RESOLUTION <br />amending the assessment roll for Project SS-W-P-89-13 8606 <br />be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Cushman, Thomas, <br />and Rog. Nays: None. <br />