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City Council Ordinances
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:03:40 AM
Creation date
4/22/2005 12:47:51 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Ordinances
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair and inspection of all buildings, walks, structures erected or to be erected in the Village of Roseville for the protection of
Ordinance Summary
An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair and inspection of all buildings, walks, structures erected or to be erected in the Village of Roseville for the protection of
Ordinance Date Passed
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<br />2-16. It shall be the duty of the inspector to sign or cause to be ~:1 <br />signed all permits, certificates and notices required to be used by this <br />code. <br /> <br />2-17. The inspector shall refuse to approve any application or to issue <br />a permit unless the plans and specifications and other data which ~ccom- <br />pany such application shall indicate that the proposed work is in all <br />respects in accordance with the provisions of this code. <br /> <br />2-18. The inspector shall refuse to issue a permit for the construction <br />of any building which construction or necessary grading incidental,thereto <br />shall obstruct any natural drainage waterway. <br /> <br />2-19. It shall be the duty of the inspector to refuse the issuanc~ of a <br />permit in any case where the relative elevations of the proposed building <br />grade and the eatablished road grade shall conflict in such a manner as <br />to cause damage through drainage conditions. <br /> <br />2-20. No permit shall be issued covering the construction of more. than <br />one private garage for each d~elling to be constructed on any property, <br />except by special permit. <br /> <br />2-21. The inspector may deny' a permit for the construction of a dwelling <br />upon ground which according to the information furnished by the applicant <br />is too low for proper drainage. <br /> <br />2-22. It shall be mandatory that every building constructed after the <br />issuance of a permit be inspected at least once during the period of the <br />construction. In the case of buildings costing One Thousand Dollars <br />($1,000.00) or more, a minimum of three (3) inspections will be required. <br />The first of these required inspections shall be made when the founda- <br />tions are complete. The second shall be made at. such time as the entire <br />rough work of the structure is in place. The third shall be made when <br />the building is complete. The owner, or builder, shall notify the. in- <br />spector at such times as the construction approaches the above-mentioned <br />conditions. While it is the intention of this paragraph to establish <br />the minimum required number of inspections, it shall not be construed <br />as relieving the inspector from the responsibility of making any or all <br />inspections which are necessary to insure proper construction. <br /> <br />2-23. The inspector shall be charged with the responsibility to impose <br />regulations, carrying out the true intent of public health and safety <br />as to materials used, location, dimensions and construction of any <br />building not specially covered by this code but whioh is used or in- <br />tended to be used, either permanent or temporary, for the support~ <br />habitation, amusement or shelter of people, animals or chattels, and in <br />any manner contribute to danger or safety of life and property. <br /> <br />2-24. The inspector so far as it may become necessary for the perform- <br />ance of his duties, shall have the right to enter any building or <br />structure upon showing his badge of office. <br /> <br />2~25. It shall be the duty of the inspector to stop the construction, <br />repair, alteration, renewal or demolishing of any building or structure <br />when any work done thereon is carried on in violation of this code. or <br />in a reckless, careless, unsafe or improper manner. <br />
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