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<br />\ 050 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />residence purposes, ~le applicant must file with his application for his permit and. <br />with each application for renewal of license, t~~ consent, in writing of the owners <br />or duly authorized. agents of the owners of a majori t;), of frontage of said residential <br />property wi thin 200 feet of said proposed. billboard.r")The applicant shall also obtain <br />and file with the application for a permit to construet, the written consent of the <br />owner or owners, lessor or lessors, of the p~mises ~on which such billboard.~s to <br />be erected. 'No applice.t1on for the erection or maintenance of a billboara.9tshS11 be <br />considered unless it is accompanied. by these consents~, ' \ <br /> <br />SECTION V <br />LICENSE <br /> <br />. <br />"._. /I <br /> <br />An:y person d.esiring to procure or renew a license herein provid.ed., shall file with <br />the Village Clerk a written application containing the name and. post-office address of <br />the applicant, the location or proposed location of the billboard and such other informa- <br />tion as maY' be required. to locate the billboard and to show compliance wi'th the pro- <br />visions of this ordiJia,nge _ Upon~ the:' filing' p'f - the' appU.cat1 on ~8D.d._eoilpllance wi ththe <br />provisions 'otthe pr.ceding sections and the payment to the Village of the license fee <br />hereinafter provid.ed., the Village OleTk shaJ.l issUe to the applicant a license. All <br />licenses shall expire on the fOllowing July first and. shall not be assignable. <br /> <br />SECTION VI <br />FEES <br /> <br />~e license fees shall be five cents per area square foot of the billboard.. <br /> <br />SEOTION VII <br /> <br />RULES AND REGULATIONS <br />i~~ ' <br />{;... 1. No billboard or sign shall exceed. 14 feet in height above 'the ground. and eve:t'Y <br />billboard or sign shall have an opening of at least 2 feet between the lower edge thereof <br />and the ground, which space 'shall not be closed in any manner. <br /> <br />t.,,~jp9 2. No billboard. shall approachL~t any point nearer than 6 feet to any or <br />the side of any lot or nearer than 15) feet to a:rJ:l' street line and hereafter if the <br />established. or customary uniform building line upon the street where such billboard shall <br />be erected is more than 15 feet from the street or property line, then said billboard <br />shall not approach nearer the street than the established or customary uniform building <br />llne~ <br />A~ . <br />(, 3. No billboard shall exceed 500 square feet in area, provided that when said bill- <br />board Shall be composed of three sections comprised of one center section and two wing <br />sections of continuous construction, it maY' be composed of three sections of not ex- <br />cee~~ 250 square feet each. <br />4~ ' <br />b/ 4. Any and all billboards hereafter erected., constructed., altered., or moved., Shall <br />be constructed in such a manner and of such material that they shall be safe and. sub- <br />stantial. All posts shall be set 3 feet in the earth and in concrete foundation not <br />less than 2 feet square and 3 feet d.eep. <br /> <br />! <br />