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<br />SECTION 25 <br /> <br />1.9~ <br /> <br />ROTJLING OF SU""\GRADE <br />The ro1line of the subgrade to obtain compaction may be required at the <br />discretion of the engineer. vnlen it is required, the contractor shall <br />furnish the necessar~ labor and equipment and perform such work to the <br />satisfaction of the Village Engineer. <br />SECTION 26 <br /> <br />CONSTRUCTION OF FILLS <br />Uhere it is necessary to construct a fill ",hich j.s more than one foot <br />in depth, the material shall be placed in lifts of not to exceed 6" and <br />eael; . lift irill be compacted in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. <br />The use of moving equipment may furnish this necessary compaction but in <br />case it does not because of the particular type of material being used, <br />other mechanical means of compacting the fill shall be furnished and used <br />by the contractor. <br /> <br />SECTION 27 <br /> <br />BERH CONSTRUCTION . <br />The berm or sidewalk bench shall be con3tructed as shown on the plan in <br />all cases and the contractor ivill be requirod to exercise the same care <br />in bringine this portion of the street to the proper grade and cross <br />section as requirod for tlle roadway itself. For the purpose of final <br />~tppearance, emphasis will be placed upon the construction of a straight <br />line at the top of the gutter and at the spring line Hhich irill usually <br />be 30.0 feet from the center li11e. Ir grading this berm, the contractor <br />shall mike a] lo"rances in the grade for any..topsoil which is to be placed. <br /> <br />SECTION 28 <br /> <br />CULVERTS AND DRAINAGE <br />flII culvert material. shall conform with the current material specU'ica- <br />tions of theS'tate Highway Department for that particular type of culvert. <br />All of the material and labor incidental to the placinb of these culver ts <br />and the con~truction of the necef3sary ditches "Jill be in accordance with <br />the plans and specifications approved by the Villace Engineer and will <br />1.,e furnifjhcd b~r t.he developer. <br /> <br />SECTION 29 <br /> <br />REPLACING TOPSOIL <br />After the grading has been completed, the topsoil wHl be taken from the <br />stockpiles and spread over the slopes and the boulevard as uniformly as <br />possible. <br /> <br />SECTION 30 <br /> <br />/. <br /> <br />FINISHING <br />After the driving surface, i.e. the 30.0 foot "Jidth between gutter~, has <br />been proper]y excavated and backfilled where necessary to provide the <br />m.inimun thickness uf ten inc118s of selected material, preferablYl gravel <br />or sand vJith sufficient binder soil to assu~e compaction, tho entire road- <br />~JaY shall be finished and shaped inexact accordance VTith the plfans and <br />these specifications. Handwork shall be per formed vJhcre necessary. <br /> <br />, I <br /> <br />GRAVEL SURFACING <br />'t.Jhen the surface of the street has been finished in accordance with para- <br />graph No. 18, the Village Council may require additional gravel material <br />to be placed on the driving surface previous to the application: of asphal- <br />tic road oil. The quantity of gravel material to be placed on the driving <br />surface may vary depending upon the type of soil in the subgrade. The en- <br />gineer shall decide upon the quantity of gravel to be placed on any road <br />or part of any road or street. The gravel material used for this purpose <br />shall be crushed gravel and it snaIl 'confo~ with the standaDd specifications <br />of the Minnesota State Highway Department Section 3138, Class 1. <br />(7) <br /> <br />SECTICN 31 <br />