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City Council Ordinances
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:03:52 AM
Creation date
4/22/2005 12:50:05 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Ordinances
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
Building Code. An ordinance regulating all matters pertaining, relating or incidental to and the construction, building, alteration, repair, installation, performance, maintenance and inspection of all buildings, walks, structures, driveways, signs
Ordinance Date Passed
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<br /><Jo <br /> <br />2-5 Alteration as ap,lied to a building or structure, means a change or rearrangemenj; <br /> <br />in the structural parts or in the exit, lighting or ventilating facilities; or <br />an enlargement, whether by extending on a side or by increasin g in height; or <br />the moving from one location or position to another; the term alter in its var- <br />ious moods and tenses and its participial forms refers to the making of an,altera- <br />tion. <br /> <br />2-6 APARTHENT means a room or suite of two or more rooms in a residence building <br />occupied as the home or residence of an individual, family or household. <br /> <br />2-7 APPROVED as applied to a material, device or method of construction, means <br />approved by the governing body under the provisions of this code, or by other <br />authority designated by law to give appro.val in the matter in question. <br /> <br />2-8 APPROVED }ffiSOrJRY means masonry constructed of brick, stone, concrete, hmllow <br />block, solid block or other material ~proved after test or a combination of <br />these materials. <br /> <br />2-9- AP~A as applied to a form of construction, means an uncovered sub-surface space <br />adjacent to a building. <br /> <br />2-10 AREA as applied to the dimensions of a building, n~ans the maxiJnunl horizontal <br />projedted area of the building at grade. <br /> <br />2-11 A. S. A. means the American Standards Association. <br /> <br />2-12 A.S.T.H. means the American Society for Testing Materials. <br /> <br />2-13 AU TOWI_TIC, as applied to a fire door or. other opening protectilTe, means nor- <br />mally held in an open position and automatically closed by a releasing device <br />that is actuated by abnorman high temperature or by a predetenned rate of rise <br />in ten:perature. <br /> <br />2-14 BACK VENT OR REEUT is that part of a vent pipe line >-Thich consists directly <br />wi th an individual trap, underneath or back of the fixture, and extends to the <br />branch, main, or vent pipe at any point-higher than the fixture or fixture <br />traps it serves. <br /> <br />2-15 BASEIlENT BEANS THA'f PORTION OF A BUILDING PARTLY below grade but so located that <br />the vertical distance from grade to the floor is not greater than the vertical <br />distance from the grade to the ceiling. Provid~d, however, that if the vertical <br />distance from the grade to the ceiling is five (5) feet or more, such basement <br />shall be counted as a story. <br /> <br />2-16 BRANCH of any s;ystem of piping is that part of the system which extends hori- <br />zontally at a slight grade J vd th or without lateral or vertical extensions or <br />vertical arms, from the main to receive fixture ou.tlets not directly comnected <br />to the main. <br /> <br />2-17 BUILDING means a combination of mate'ials to form a construction that is safe <br />and stable and adapeed to permanence or CDntinuous occupancy i'or public, in- <br />stitutional, residence, business or storar;e purposes; the term "building" shall <br />be construed as though followed by the Hords "or part thereof". For the purposes <br />of this code, each po~ion of a building, separated from other portions by a <br />fire-wall, shall be considered as a separate building. <br /> <br />-7- <br />
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