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<br />~'b <br /> <br />stack shall be prohibited unless the placing of such waste below said <br />fixture is not feasible in the opinion of the plumbing inspector. <br /> <br />6-102 The soil or vent pipe leading to an ejector or other appliance for <br />raising sewage or other waste matter to the outlet sewer shall, where <br />a water closet or closets are installed, be provided with a vent pip' <br />not less than two (2) inches in diameter, and where fixtures other than <br />w~ter closets are installed, the waste vent pipe shall be the same <br />diameter as the waste of the fixture it serves and in no ease less <br />than one and one-half (1-1/2) inches. <br /> <br />6-102A For each gas burning device there shall be provided in the pipe <br />sup lying same, and adjacent thereto, ariindependent shut-off valve <br />or stop cock placed in an accessible location. <br /> <br />6-103 Pipe used for the construction of a Aouse sewer shaH have a min- <br />imLun diameter of four (4) inches where cast iron is used and a <br />mini1lum diameter of six (6) inches where vitrified iHay is used <br />and no bend exceeding 450 shall be used in such line. <br /> <br />6-104 The sewer shaUl not be less than ten (10) feet measured horizon- <br />tally, from any water pipe under pressure. Where a sewer crosses <br />a water pipe, wh ch is under pressure, the water pipe shall be above <br />the sewer and all that part of the sewer vlith ten (10) feet of)!the <br />water pipe shall be constructed of extra heavy cast iron pipe with <br />water tight joints. <br /> <br />6-105 All septic tanks shall be designed to provide adequate volume for <br />settling, for sludge and scum storage. The design shall also pro- <br />vide for access for cleaning. <br /> <br />6-106 All septic tanks shall be placed not less than ten (10) feet from <br />the property line of adjouning private property. These tanks shall <br />be not less than fifty (50) feet from any source of demestic water <br />supply. The tank shall be located not less than ten (10) feet from <br />the foundation of any building. <br /> <br />6-107 The liquid capacity of all tanks shall be based upon the number of <br />bedrooms contemplated in the dwelling served. Indeternlining tank <br />capacity, any liquid depth exceeding six and one-half (6-1/2) feet <br />in any compartment thereof shall not be considered. The actual min- <br />imum capacity permissible shall be in accordance with the follovnng <br />table : <br /> <br />Number of bedr80ms <br /> <br />~llnimlun liquid ca}acity of <br />tank in gallons <br />500 <br />600 <br />750 <br />900 <br />1100 <br />1300 <br />1500 <br />2000 <br />(50) percent when house- <br /> <br />2 or less <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />12 <br />Himimun liquid capacity to be increased fifty <br />hold garbage grinder discharges into sysp.m. <br /> <br />-36- <br />