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<br />ROSEVILLE ORDINANCE NO. 216 <br /> <br />_345 <br /> <br />PAGE .-. <br /> <br />(6) Date of preparation. <br />(b) Existing Conditions <br /> <br />(I) Boundary line of proposed subdivision, <br />clearly indicated. <br /> <br />(2) Existing zoning classification. <br />(3) Total approximate acreage in said <br />plan. <br /> <br />(4) Location, widths and names of all ex- <br />isting or previously platted streets or <br />ot!)er public ways, sh0wing type .of <br />im.provement, il any, railroad and utIl- <br />itt rights-ai-way, parks. and other <br />public open spaces. permanent bUild- <br />ings and structure!=i, ~aseme~ts! and <br />section and cOftyJrate hnes wIthm the <br />tract and to a distance of one hundred <br />feet beyond the tract. <br /> <br />Location and size of eXIstIng sewers, <br />water mains, culverts or other under- <br />ground facilities within the tract and <br />to a distance of one hundred feet <br />beyond the tract. Such data as .grades. <br />invert elevatio!1s, and locatlOD of <br />catch basins) manholes and hydrants <br />shall also be shown" <br />(6) Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdi- <br />vided or subdivided land, withIn one <br />hundred feet. identifying by name and <br />ownership. <br />(7) Topographic data. including contnurs <br />at vertical intervals of not more than <br />two feet, except that cont-Jur lines <br />shall be no more than one hundred <br />feet apart. Water courses, marshes, <br />rock outcrops and other significant <br />features shall also be shown. <br />(c) Subdivision Design Features <br />(1) Layout of streets, showing right.of- <br />way widths and names of streets. The <br />name of any street heretofore used in <br />the village or its environs shall not be <br />used. unless the proposed street is an <br />extension of an already named stre'" <br />in which event the name shall be <br />used. <br />(2) Lncation and widths 01 alleys, pedes- <br />trian ways and utility easements. <br />(3) Tvpical cross- sections of streets and <br />ailevs. together with an indication of <br />the proposed storm water runoff. <br />(4) Approximate center line gradients of <br />streets and alleys, if any. <br />(5) Location. size and approximate gradi- <br />ent of sewer lines. <br />(6) Layout, numbers and typical dimen- <br />sions of lots to the nearest foct. <br />(7) Minimum front and side-street build- <br />ing setback lines, indicating dimen. <br />sion s of same. <br />(8) Areas, other than streets, alleys. ped- <br />estrian ways and utility easements, in. <br />ten"ied to be dedicated or reserved lor <br />public use. including the size of such <br />area or areas, in acres. <br /> <br />--) <br />(';) <br /> <br />SECTION ';" <br />QUALIFICATIONS GOVERNING <br />APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAN <br /> <br />a) The Planning Commission may rec. <br />ommend and/or the Village" Council may <br />require such changes or revlstons as the <br />Cuuncil deems necessary for the. health. <br />safety..! general welfare and convemence of <br />the Village. <br />(b) Th~ approval of a preliminary plan <br />by the Planning Commission and. the ,!il- <br /> Council is tentative only, Involvtng <br />merely the general acceptability of the lay- <br />Fut as submitted. . " <br /> <br />___ (c) Subsequent approval wtll be ,n:;qULred <br />of the engineering proposa~s pertalnmg tG <br />water supply, storm dramage, s~werage <br />and sewage disposal, gas and electnc .serv. <br />ice, grading, gradients and roadway w~dths, <br />and the surfacing of stre~ts bJ: .the Vlll~ge <br />Engineer, and other pubhc offiCials havlOg <br />jurisdiction prior t? the approval of the <br />final plat by the VIllage. <br /> <br />(d) Land subject to flnoding or contain- <br />ing p:>or drainage facEities-No pla;n wl11 <br />be' approveq fo.r a sub:division w!1ich 18 s~b. <br />ject to penodlc floodmg or which contatns. <br />extremely poor drainage lacilit\es and <br />which would make adequate dra1l1age of <br />the streets and lots impossible. J:Iowever. <br />if the subdivider agrees to make improve- <br />ments which will. in the opinion of the <br />Village Engineer, make the area complete- <br />ly safe for residential occupancy,. and pro- <br />vide adequate street and lot. ~r~llnage, the <br />preliminary plan of the sulxhvlslon may be <br />~ pproved <br /> <br />SECTION 6. <br />NECESSARY DATA FOR FINAL PLAT <br /> <br />(,) General <br />All information. except topographic data <br />and zoning classification required on the <br />preliminary plan shall be accurately shown. <br />(b) Additional Delineation <br />(I) Accurate <,ngular and lineal dimen- <br />sions for all lines, angles, and curva- <br />tures used to describe boundaries. <br />streets, aIleys, easementsJ areas to be <br />reserved for public use. and other im- <br />portant features. Lot lines to show <br />C:imensions in feet and bundredths. <br />(2) An identification system for all lots <br />and blocks. <br />(3) True angles and distances to the <br />nearest established street lines or oHi- <br />cial monuments (not les_s than three). <br />whi~h shall be accurately described in <br />the plat. <br />(4) Municipal, township, county or sec- <br />tion lines accurately tied to the lines <br />of the subdivision by distances and <br />angles. <br />(5) Radii, internal angles, points and cur- <br />vatures, tangent bearings. and lengths <br />of all arcs. <br />(6) Accurate location of all monuments, <br />WhlCh shaH be concrete 6" x 6" x 30" <br />with iron pipe cast in center. Perma- <br />nent stone or concrete monuments <br />shall be set at each corner or angle <br />on the outside boundary. Pipes or <br />steel rods shall be daced at the cor- <br />ners of each lot and at each intersec- <br />tic:n of street cen\erline~. All U,S., <br />state, county, or other official bench- <br />marks> m.::numents or triangulation <br />stations in or adjacent to the property <br />shall be preserved in precise position. <br />(7) Accurate outlines. legal descriptions of <br />any ~reas to be dedicated or reserved <br />f-'T' pub] ic use, or for the exclusi ve <br />use of property owners within the sub- <br />division with the purposes indicated <br />therein. <br />(8) Certification by a registered land sur~ <br />veyor, to the effect that the plat rep- <br />J-esents a survt'y made by him and <br />that monuments and markers shown <br />thereon exist a5: located and that all <br />dimensional and geodetic details are <br />correct. <br />(9) Netarized certification by owner, and <br />bv al'y lnortgage holder of record, 01 <br />the adoption of the plat and the dedi. <br />cation of streets and other public <br />areas. <br />(10) Certificati'"," showing that all taxes <br />and special assessments due on the <br />property to be subdivided have been <br />paid in lull. <br />(II) Apllroval by signature of village. coun- <br />ty and state officials conceTTH:'d with <br />the specifications of utility installa- <br />tions. <br />(J 2) Form for approval of the Planning <br />BcaI-d as follows: Approved bv the <br />Planning- Commission of the Village <br />of R~seville, Minnesota, this. day <br />of " .. ". .. '. 19..... <br /> <br />Signed Chairman" . . . . . . . " . . " " <br /> <br />Attest <br /> <br />Secretary <br /> <br />(13) Ferm Inr approval of the Village Coun- <br />cil as f(~lb\Vs: Approved by the Vii. <br />lage Council of the Village of Rose- <br />ville, Minnesota, this . '. day of <br /> <br />. ' ...."....".19 <br />Signed <br /> <br />Viilage" 'p"resideni . . . . . <br /> <br />Attest .., 'C1e;k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> <br />(14) Fnrm for approval by County authori- <br />ties as required. <br /> <br />SECTION 7. <br />DESIGN STANDARDS <br /> <br />(a) STREET PLAN <br />The arrangement, ~haracter, extent. <br />width grade and locatIOn of all streets <br />shall 'conform to the Comprehensive Plan, <br />the approved Standard Street SectIOns. amI <br />plates of applicable. ordinances. and. shall <br />be considered in theIr relatIOn to eXlstmg <br />and planned streets, to reas~mable ci.r<:ula. <br />hort of traHic. to topographical con~ltlUnsr <br />to runoff of storm wate:, to .pubhc co~- <br />venience :lnd safety, and In theH appropn. <br /> <br />ate relation to the proposed uses of the <br />area to be served. <br /> <br />(b) STREETS <br /> <br />(I) All right-ol-way widths shall conform <br />to the following minimum dimensions: <br />Collector Streets 70' <br />Minor Streets 60' <br />Marginal access and <br />Cul-de-sac streets sot <br /> <br />(2) Where horizontal street lines within <br />a block deflect from each other at <br />a.ny one point more than ten degree.!';, <br />there shall be a connecting curve. Min- <br />imum center.line horizontal curvatures <br />sh311 be: <br />Collector Streets <br />Minor Streets <br /> <br />(3) Tangents at least 50 <br />be introdnced between <br />on collector streets. <br /> <br />(4) All center line gradients shall be at <br />least 0.5 percent and shall not exceed <br />on. <br />Collector Streets 4 percent <br />Minor Streets 6 percent <br /> <br />(5) DilfeI ent connecting street gradients <br />shall be connected with vertical para- <br />boHc curves. Minimum len.gth, in feet, <br />of these curves, shall be J 5 times the <br />algebraic difference in the percent of <br />gr.ade of the two adjacent slopes. For <br />llnnor streets the lninimum length <br />,hall be 70 times the algebraic differ- <br />ence in the percent of grade of the <br />two adjacent slopes. <br /> <br />(6) Minor streets shall be so aligned that <br />theIr use by thmugh traffic will be <br />discouraged. <br /> <br />(7) Street jogs with center-line offsets of <br />less than 125 feet shall be prohibited. <br /> <br />(8) It must be evidenced that all street <br />intersections and confluences enccur. <br />age sale and efficient traffic flow. <br /> <br />(9) Aileys are not permitted in residen- <br />tIal areas unless deemed necessary by <br />the Village Council. <br /> <br />(10) Maximum length cul-de-sacs shall be <br />500 feet measured alnng the center <br />line from the intersection of origin to <br />end of right.of.waYl unless there are <br />not more than 8 lots abntting the cuI- <br />de-sac. Each cul-de-sac shall have a <br />terminus of nearly circular shape with <br />a minimum diameter of 100 feet. <br /> <br />(II) Half streets shal! be prohibited, ex- <br />cept where essential to the reasonable <br />development of the subdivision in con- <br />formity with the other requirements <br />01 these regulations' and where the <br />Village Council finds it will be prac- <br />ticable to require the dedication of <br />the other half when the adjoining yro- <br />!lerty is subdivided. Wherever a half <br />street is adjacent to a tract to be <br />subdivided, the other half of the street <br />shall be platted within such tract. In <br />cases where half streets are accepted, <br />the c:wner and subdivider shall be rc. <br />qui red to grade half streets in ac- <br />cordance with the plans therefor to <br />be prepared by the Village Engineer <br />under tlie provisions of Section II of <br />this ordinance, and, in addition the <br />owner and subdivider shall be required <br />tn deposit payment with the Village <br />for one~half of the Village Engineer's <br />estimated cost of the improvements <br />required under this ordinance. In cases <br />where the entire right-of-way has been <br />dedicated to the public but the proper. <br />ty of the owner and subdivider is lo- <br />cated on one side of such street, the <br />owner and subdivider 'shall be required <br />to grade the entire street in accord- <br />ance with the plans to be prepared by <br />the Village Engineer under the provi. <br />sians of Section II of thi s ordinance. <br />but the owner and subdivider shall <br />nnly be required to deposit payment <br />for one~half of the Village Engineer's <br />estimated costs of the improvements <br />required under this ordinance. Duild- <br />ing permits shall be denied lor lnts <br />on the side of the street where the <br />property is owned by persons who have <br />not entered into an ag;reement with <br />the Village for the installation of the <br />il11prove.ments required uncle I- this ord- <br />inance. <br /> <br />(12) Reserve strips controlling access to <br />streets are prohibited. <br /> <br />300' <br />150' <br />feet long shall <br />reverse curves <br /> <br />(c) ALLEYS AND PEDESTRIAN <br />WAYS <br />(I) \Vhere pennitted by the Village Coun~ <br />cil. alleys shall be at least 20 feet <br />wide in residential areas and at least <br />