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<br />1-3-m~ <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />1-3-h <br /> <br />l-J-~;O <br /> <br />1-3-58 <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />Hose ~iale i~ddi ti '2E._]~o ~_E.e ar:}I:.o_~~J~~~. _~.5~._l~~5'3.2'e :LaI~<L_J~Y,,?!,I~:t_e:~ <br /> <br />Daniel G. Lokkon, 2113 l(osela"m Avenue and H. E. Averbeck, :;)(0 Clul1C[:'lie, <br />St. Iaul, supported the pI at. dr. LoldceIi Olms the land consisting of <br />Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, a.nd Hi'. Averbeck Lots 7 to 12 inclusive, of the <br />pl'elimina:('y plat. <br />H. Benek and D. Harvey are 0'\o1n81'I3 of :I:.ho Jand lying just oast of' Lots <br />3 and L~ of the land to be platt.ed. Dahlgren advised that a meoting <br />was held l1iLh these men to solve the access t.o the l'eo.r port.ion;] <br />of thoir proporty. The J11eeting did not resolve the .access prohlem as <br />dessrs. Benek and Harvey did not ,.;ant to take action at that time. <br /> <br />Soike moved, ;")jmerman seconded, that He l'CCOmJI18nd that Lbe preJjmin<lr'Y <br />plat be approved subject to res,H'ving lots 10 to 1.2 inclusive, BJo(;k 1, <br />Iloscdalc Addition No. 1.( for drainage purposes. Carriod unanimous..Lr. <br /> <br />StY_c:!L_O!~~3if~2!_Ordi..n~. 'l'hE l'() Vias no action taken on tho sign ol'di,nanco <br />C1xcept for referring it to Howard Dahlgren to prepf\re a vTritten report <br />for tlw noxt mea ting. <br /> <br />EstablisJ2.. D. B-IA Lirl::h..~~~}L\i~~l~~.s~~-L:~f~ht Nan2\facturing }2-~_Ll'Jct <br /> <br />'l'ho ordinance provides for a of lrmd bu't. GOnCi not. JIlGnLion <br />the use of a registerod land survey. Tho ordimmce shouLd bu amendnd so <br />that it. vlOuld spocificaLly apply to a plaL or a registered lima :3\.H"Vey <br />so thFlt in each C:J.SO the 1101'11l8,l platl,ing procedure, eom;isting or a <br />preliwinary plat and final pla!:., bo handled for apPl'uval. <br /> <br />'l'hfJ Cor,lmLf;siol1 revleuecl the proposal mtbmittecl by HO'IVo.:cd JJahlgl'on. <br />B-IA Limi ted Business has finor l'estr:i..c ti ons on builchnEr,s \ fJr'opert.;{ <br />zoned light industrial. Proporty bE'Jing considored for this zoning <br />district is proporty ovll1cd by AJliec1 StOX'OfJ [1.nci a1Do tlhich ~m.s considfJr8d <br />by COilt.ro1 Data. <br /> <br />Soiko moved, Chostnut seconded, that the proposaJ submit.ted bjr HO,'iqrd <br />Dnhlgren to amend the zoning code to establish a B-1A Limited.F\!r.;iness- <br />Light Nanufacturing District be l'OCOlllJilendod for !tpprowd. It if3 :i\tcl,hEJr <br />rocommended that section J .29) of the ordinance be arnendeJd to est';bliElb <br />a spocial use for Planned lJovolopment Pro,jecLs in B-lft, 1-1. :md l-;~ <br />Districts. '1'ho Commission 11130 l'EJCOnUI1EIllds th~J.t the r'.bOVG menLionud <br />propusal be roferred to the VillaGc Attorney bei'ore iLs ~1dopLjo!J. <br /> <br />f:; L1~3t Ib.,,~ Challf;es <br /> <br />'l'ho !)lanning Commission held its public hearing on strC:il3t name changes <br />on April Ic.;, 1961. 'rhe oriGinal map was arnendod f.\S of Jmnulry J, 1962. <br /> <br />Chestnut moved, Soike seconded, that ,,113 recommend to the; Vii.lage Council <br />that tho street name changes indicated on .the map mal'kod "revised street <br />name changes January 3, 1961." be submitted for approval; and Lhv.t the <br />Planning Consultant be direc ced to p1ace these changes on the original <br />