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Planning Commission
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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:31:45 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 6:30:32 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />-5- <br /> <br />from County Road C. There also was a question on the extension of Long Lake Road and who <br />would actually pay for this particular street construction. The street would have to be <br />approximately 70 feet wide and approximately 1400 feet long to terminate at County Road c-2. <br />It was further indicated that the applicant would probably petition for all utilities in the <br />area, including sewer, water and street construction. There was a question as to whether or <br />not there had been any other firm response from other automobile dealers as to locating in <br />this area. <br /> <br />Mr. Parranto indicated that he could not committ anyone dealer at this time, but that he <br />was negotiating with one and possibly two other concerns. There was also a question as to <br />whether or not the architect had any drawings of the building other than the architects <br />rendering which was presented. It was proposed ti1at the Royal Oldsmobile building would be <br />approximately 41,000 square feet and the exterior materials would be a combination of glass, <br />precaste concrete material, decorative concrete block of the split face variety and the <br />estimated cost of the structure would reach the $500,000 for the building only. It was stated <br />that there would be show room exposure on the east, or freeway side, and also on the south. <br />There was a question as to what per cent of total inventory would be inside and what per cent <br />would be outside. Mr. Kline could not give any precise estimates on this, but indicated that <br />approximately 30 - 45 cars, or 25 per cent of the inventory could be on the show room and <br />would be considered inside and that approximately 200 cars, or 75% of the total inventory <br />would be outside.; that there was also parking available for an eventual 500 or so cars. <br /> <br />There was discussion as to the need for seeing more of the architect's drawings of the build- <br />ings and a question on the preliminary platting of this property which would indicate the <br />street dedication. It was hoped that the preliminary plat, the zoning, the question of who <br />pays for the road, and the possible conditions that could be attached to the special use <br />permit could be resolved. It was indicated by the Planning Commission that since this was <br />the first automobile agency to be proposed and possib ly be located in Roseville that an <br />excellent job should be done of this proposal and hopefully all of these items previously <br />discussed could be presented in somewhat more detail. <br /> <br />RECOM-tENDATION <br />1 <br /> <br />EDLUND MOVED, CARPENTER SECONDED, THAT THE REQUEST FOR THE HESS KLINE REZONING FROM I-l TO <br />1'-2 and B-3 AT 2200 WEST COUNTY ROAD c-2 BE LAID OVER FOR A SPECIAL MEETING BEFORE THE <br />PLANNING COt.f.IISSION ON OCTOBER 9, 1969, AND 'IHAT THE COUNCIL, I F ALL DETAILS ARE IN ORDER AT <br />THAT TIME, CONTINUE THEIR PUBLIC HEARING FOR OCTOBER 13, 196fJ. ROLL CALL, AYES: CARPENTER, <br />DEMOS, POPE, EDLUND, MEMBREZ. NAYS: NONE. <br /> <br />PLANNING FILE 544-69 - ROYAL OLDSMOBILE (SWN1N LIQUIDATING TRUST) REQUEST FOR SPECIAL USE <br />. <br />PERMIT AT 2845 LONG LAKE ROAD <br /> <br />RECO~ENDATION <br /> <br />EDLUND MOVED, CARPENTER SECONDED, THAT THE REQUEST BY TIlE ROYAL OLDSMOBILE FOR A SPECIAL <br />USE PEID-UT AT 2845 LONG LAKE ROAD BE LAID OVER UNTIL A SPECIAL ~1EETING OF THE PLANNING <br />C(}.tMISSION FOR OCTOBER 9, 1969, A1~D FOR A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE COUNCIL ON OCTOBER 13, <br />1969. ROLL CALL, AYES: CARPENTER, Dmtos, POPE, EDLUND, f,1E~1BREZ. NAYS: NONE. <br /> <br />PLANNING FILE 545-69 - LEO POTHEN REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO LOT WIDTH AND AREA AT 1319 <br />v <br />WEST ROSELAWN AVENUE. <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Mr. Leo Pothen stated that he would like to build a home on a 40 foot lot on l3l9 West <br />Roselawn Avenue. He indicated that this area had been platted with 40 foot lots and he <br />would now like tQ dftelop his lot by building a home. He further stated that he would <br />
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