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7/17/2007 3:31:50 PM
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12/15/2004 7:13:10 AM
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<br />-5- <br /> <br />Planning File 715 - Wallace Mailand and Robert Johnson request for special use <br />permits and variances at 1045 Larpenteur Avenue <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Mr. Ray Kirkman, representing Mr. Mailand and Mr. Johnson, and the Knutson Develop= <br />ment Campany indicated that the site consits of approximately 4~ acres. He stated that <br />the proposal includes the construction of an 8 story highrise apartment with one <br />hundred forty five one bedroom tmits and twenty three townhouses of two and three <br />bedrooms. He indicated that the Village had rezoned the property in question in 1968 <br />to R-3A and at that time the Village had granted a special use permit for a planned <br />unit development and variance to density requirement permitting 168 dwelling units <br />on the property. Because of the high interest rates at the time of the rezoning, the <br />property owners were not able to proceed ahead with plans to construct the apartments <br />as approved and, therefore, the special use permit as granted by the Village had <br />expired. <br /> <br />Mr. Kirkman had a slide presentation showing buildings which the Knutson Company <br />has constructed in other parts of the State of Minnesota for the elderly. He in- <br />dicated that the design which is proposed for this highrise elderly building is an <br />atrium concept. It was his feeling that the atrium creates a focal point for the <br />building and that there exists a higher sense of cormnunity among the residents because <br />of the openness which is part of the atrium concept. He also stated that with 168 <br />units in the project, a top notch on-site manager could be afforded. The persons re- <br />siding in the townhouse portion of the proj ect would have incomes in the area of <br />$5,400 to $9,000 per year Mr. Kirkman indicated that he had recently become aware <br />that the florist who owns the adjacent property to the east was concerned because of <br />the shadow which would be cast on his greenhouses and gardens and, therefore, reduce <br />the amount of sunlight and harm his business. He indicated that to accommodate the <br />florist they would be willing to place the highrise on the eastern side of the property <br />rather than the west portion as is now proposed. He stated that his calculations <br />indicated there would be 1 ittle shadowing of the greenhouse and gardens if the highrise <br />were placed on the western portion of the property. <br /> <br />Mr. Kirkman stated that the FHA regulations do not provide for the developer to re- <br />strict only to the elderly; however, he stated it was the intention of the developer <br />to restrict rentals in the highrise to persons 62 or over. The two and three bedroom <br />townhouses would be rented to families. <br /> <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Mr. G. Johnson asked what the rentals would be for the units. <br /> <br />Mr. Kirkman indicated the base rents would be $128 per month for the one bedroom, <br />$150 for the two bedroom and $186 per month for the three bedroom. <br /> <br />Mr. Vern Johnson indicated the property tax on "236 Proj ects" is one half of what it <br />would be on a conventional apartment project. He asked if the applicant would <br />consider constructing the townhouses under conventional financing thereby provid- <br />ing 100% taxes on the townhouse units. <br /> <br />Mr. Kirkman indicated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development would <br />probably not fund a totally elderly project. <br /> <br />Mr. North reported that the Village Fire Marshal had indicated that because of the <br />open corridors overlooking the atirum, the building would have to be completely sprink- <br />led in order to comply with the State Building Code. <br />
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