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<br />- 2 - <br /> <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Fery1e Borgerson, 590 Transit Avenue Wo asked what the comparison cost vIas \'Jith the <br />propos ed site tha twas 1 oca ted at Coun ty Road Band Da 1 e 0 <br /> <br />Theodore Stone, 2496 t1atilda Street, inouired as to what the danger would be to the children <br />who attend the three schools in this area. <br /> <br />Howard Dahlqren indicated that there is an extrrnely low danger presented to students by the <br />fire equipment when going to a fire. <br /> <br />Norman Sessingj 726 West GrandvievJ Avenue, \-Jho is also the architect for Concordia Academy, <br />indicated that expansion of the Academy is proposed to be to the west and would encroach upon <br />Site 3 as proposed. <br /> <br />Fery1e Borgerson. 590 Transit Avenue Westj oresented a petition to the chairman that contained <br />89 signatures of people who opposed a fire ~tation site at the B2 and Dale intersectiono <br /> <br />Gordon Hunnicuttj 582 Transit Avenue West, commented that previous to this hearing, a beauty <br />shop and an apartment building had been proposed at this intersection and that those applica- <br />tions v/ere denied due to traffic and storm runoff problems. <br /> <br />Floyd LeCuyer~ 2642 rloo Victoria (Rosevi11e Fire Chief) commented that the fire deoartment <br />was not in favor of this proposed siteo Although the site could be ideal for a full-time <br />paid department, the present fire department is vo1unteer and the majority of the fire <br />fighters are located in the southeast corner of the cityo He stated that a study had been <br />done of the proposed sites and it ~JaS found that the present fire station No.1 adequately <br />served that area north of Highway 36, but that additional nrotection was needed in the <br />southeast corner of the city. He also stated that, with the present 60-man, authorized <br />strength, the duty ti me requi red for nite duty at one of the three s tati ons \'lOu1 d be cut <br />from 57 days to 27 days if this site were used. <br /> <br />George Johnson stated that he was a co-author of the previous report on the fire department <br />and that at that time~ in meeting \'/ith the underwriters and fire department, the site on <br />the southeast corner of B and Dale was chosen to have been best. He expressed opposition to <br />the acquiring of academ,v property but was very interested in a site that was mentioned by <br />Hov/ard Dahlgren that would be located in the northeast corner of the Parkview Junior High <br />School property. This site would necessitate the removal of two existing single family <br />dwellings; howeverj it would also provide good access to Highway 36. <br /> <br />George Membrez felt that the matter should be laid over due to the lack of information <br />on the sites. <br /> <br />Vern Johnson stated that he didnOt think that they had,at the present time, enough information <br />to make a decision" He did state that he felt the Parkvievl ,lunior Hiqh site should be inves- <br />tigated further, particularly with respect to access to the freeway and problems due to <br />street grades. <br /> <br />Bob Pope indicated that he felt that the site should be located somewhere on Dale between <br />Band 82; hO\'lever, he also felt that the Parkvie\'J ,lunior High site should be investigated <br />further. <br /> <br />Recommendation <br /> <br />Mr. Membrez moved and ~'r. Vern Johnson seconded that the fire station site selection, County <br />Road 82 and Da1e~ be laid over until the April 3rd meeting of the Planning Commissiono Roll <br />Ca 11: Ayes ~ George Johnson, Vern Johnson, f"lembrez, Pope. Nays ~ None <br />