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<br />-4- <br /> <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Mr. Tom Anderson, 1042 Ruggles, presented a petition from 16 neighbors e~ressing <br />their opposition to the proposal 0 Mr 0 Anderson stated that. the neighbors felt the <br />proposed rezoning would be a detriIrent to their property f create additional traffic <br />on Iexington Avenue and cause added traffic congestion at the corner of Ruggles and <br />Iexingtono In additionf he stated the neighbors wen~ especially concerned that if the <br />property were to be sold in the future v the next tenant nay propose a diffe:r:ent use which <br />would be permitted in the B-1 district.c <br /> <br />Mr ~ SiIrons asked if it would be a reg:ui.I:errent that a sidewalk be constructed as part of <br />the developItEnt. <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren stated that it is no:rna.lly not the case to reqwL:r8 sidewalks with a rezoning <br />but only if the property were to be developed ina future tinea <br /> <br />Mr 0 Sireens questioned whether the owners would be p€l"wtted to :rent the upstairs of the <br />property as an apartrcento <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren stated that apartIrent rental was not permitted in the B-1 zoning 0 <br /> <br />Mr. V. Johnson asked if a variance to R-l zoning would be possible in order to pe:rmi t <br />the site to be used as an attorney J s office and also maintain the R-1 zoning 0 <br /> <br />Mr 0 Dahlgren stated that the Roseville code did not pe:rmi t variances to the zoning of a <br />property nor is such practice ccmron in the TIEtropolitan area> <br /> <br />Mr 0 Rukavina asked what the perIni tted uses were in Q. B-1 dist.rictc <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren indicated the B~ I district allows professional and business offices, TIEdical <br />and dental offices, hospital, sanitaduros and rest horres, private clubs and lodges, <br />beauty parlors, greenhouses, and lawn and ga-rden centers G <br /> <br />Mrs. Dressler stated she felt the rezoning would be inappropriate since the bank, located <br />across the street from the proposed si:te g present! y serves as: a transition to the res i- <br />dentlal property on the north and that the proposed rezoning, in her opinion, could be <br />construed as an extension of strip zoning for Lexington Avenue. <br /> <br />Rukavina rroved, Dressler seconded, that the Corrmission reoormend denial of Tieso & <br />Stevens request for rezoning from R-l to B-1 at 1840 North Lexington Ave;.ooo Roll Call, <br />Ayes: Cushing, Rukavina, Dressler, Sim:::>ns, Mastel, Johnson, Nays: None. <br /> <br />Planning File 1135 - 'Ihornas Connelly r~st for preliminary plat at 1870 Alta Vista Drive <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Mr 0 Dahlgren indicated that the proposed parcel of land is located on Alta Vista Drive <br />with approximately 361 feet of frontageo The applicant proposes to divide the property <br />into four lots, each with 90 feet of frontageo Because of the rugged terrain of the site, <br />developnent of the property by being a cul de sac was not feasiblec As a result., the four <br />lot concept appeared the best solutiono Mr> Dahlgren did indi.cate f though, that the <br />Comnission should consider providing sare form of access to the parcel imrediate1y to the <br />north. At the present tine this parcel is landlocked and if this application were to be <br />approved as submitted, the northerly parael would remain landlockedc Mro Dahlgren indic- <br />ated that he had suggested to the applicant that he contact. the property amer to the north <br />to if a mutual solution could be obtained. <br /> <br />Mr. Connelly stated that he has CMned the property sinc,e 1953f with intent at sorce point <br />to construct single family resldences on the property 0 He stated he had talked to the <br />