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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/17/2007 3:32:12 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:13:52 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />".5- <br /> <br />property ONner to the north and that it appeared the owner was not interested in <br />developing this parcel. <br /> <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Mr. Rukavina asked if the Co:rrmission were t.o require a dedication to tyrovide access to the <br />northerly parcel and if in the future such access was not i.lee-'Cessary II could Mr. Connelly <br />request the parcel be vacated a.'1d rettL.""11ed to him. <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren stated that if the parcel to the north w-ere to be developed with access <br />through the waterworks property, such a vacation would be appropriate and the property <br />would revert to Mr. Connelly c <br /> <br />Mr. John Johnson, 18?1 Alta Vi.sta. Drive~ asked what t.n:J6 of hones were proposed to be built <br />on the lots and what would the effect of such developm:mt. be on the viaN from across the <br />street. In addition he stated he was concerned as to whether water and sewer was avail- <br />able to the property 0 <br /> <br />Mr. McGuire stated that water and sewer were available andth, should be no problem <br />serving the lots, <br /> <br />Mr. Connelly stated that he did not have plans prepared for hOTIES which would be cons- <br />tructed on the proposed lots since he intended to sell the lots to individual o.vners, but <br />that he did intend to construct high value hOIres in the a.:reac <br /> <br />Mr. McGuire stated that after reviewing Mr. Connelly's proFQsed plan it was noted that <br />he had not included the additional 20 feet of right~of-way which would be required on <br />Alta Vista and that this dedication should be requested if the proposal is approved. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson asked what was the required setback in t.,e area, <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren stated that the hOITes on the south side of the street were setback 40 feet <br />and that the new he>nes would be required to be setback a minimum of 40 feet, <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren indicated that garages would also be .re..Tuned to be setback a minimum 40 feet <br />in order to conply with city ordinance which prohibits garages being placed in front of <br />the hone. In order to vary frcm the setback. requirerrents, such variances would have to be <br />approved by the City Council prior to the issuance of any building permit. <br /> <br />Mr. Rebert Sil vagni, resident on Pineview Court Q stated that he represented three of the <br />neighbors residing to the east of the developTIEnt, He indicated that the neighbors were <br />concerned about possible errosion following the development, felt a need for a guarantee <br />that the runoff would be oontrolledg and finally that consideration should be given to <br />planning the full area including the parcel located to the north" <br /> <br />Mr. Hugh Farrel stated that because of the filling problems and the uniqueness of the site, <br />possibly the Comnission could consider three lots rather than four lots on the parcel <br />since large portions of the lot because of the terrain are unbuildable. <br /> <br />Mr. Bill Canpion, owner of the parcel to the north, indicated that he had talked to <br />Mr. Connelly, Mro Dahlgren and others regarding the p::;ssibility of developnent of the <br />parcel and that it was his opinion that with access to the land it would be developable <br />in the future. He was not sure if acress would be possible fram the Water Departnent. <br /> <br />Mr. V. Johnson asked if it would be possible to approve the proposal as a planned unit <br />developnent? <br />
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