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Planning Commission
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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:32:24 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:36:53 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />Wednesday, August 4, 1982 <br />-5- <br /> <br />Planning File 1386 - NCR-Comten request for rezoning from R-l to B-1 at 2800 <br />Arona. <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren indicated that recently School District 621 had closed the Ralph <br />Reeder School, and put the property up for sale. This property has been <br />purchased by Comten for the purpose of conducting a training center in the <br />existing structure. He noted the land currently is zoned R-l, and that rezoning <br />to B-1 would be necessary to conduct a private training center at this location. <br />Mr. Dahlgren pointed out that the applicant proposes to construct an access road <br />from their current development northerly to the school property, and close the <br />access road from Arona Street to all but emergency vehicles. Mr. Dahlgren noted <br />that there was some interest in the neighborhood to restricting the area to be <br />rezoned to only the developed portion of this site. He noted if this were done, <br />that the remaining portions of the parcel would likely also be committed to <br />an ultimate B-I zoning when requested, as the use of this area for single-family <br />homes would them be quite impractical. <br /> <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Mr. Deets Mittelstadt, representing the applicant, indicated that Comten proposes <br />to close two existing training operations and consolidate this activity in the <br />existing school building. He noted the building would house 50 employees, with <br />approximately 100 students being common. He stated the operation would be <br />conducted between the hours of 8:00 and 5:00, and that the existing parking was <br />in excess of their proposed parking needs. He stated that while Comten has no <br />plans within the near future for expansion to the undeveloped portions of the <br />site, they do wish to rezone the entirety of the parcel instead of only that <br />area currently developed. Some of the neighbors who were present at the meeting <br />expressed their concern that rezoning all of the parcel would open the door to <br />unknown development in the future, of which they would receive no notification, <br />or have the opportunity for input. Mr. Dahlgren indicated that the Commission <br />might wish to consider an amendment to the B-1 zoning district that would require <br />site plan approval for all developments. He noted that if this were adopted, <br />future development would involve a public hearing process before the Planning <br />Commission and the Council, and that the neighborhood would be notified of such <br />a meeting. Several of the neighbors present felt there was no need for such an <br />ordinance change, and that simply partially rezoning the property would be a <br />preferable alternative. Mr. Tim Hedlund, a member of the Board of Trustees of <br />the church property to the northwest, expressed concern over control of access <br />to the property off of Arona. He suggested that Arona Street right-of-way be <br />vacated to prohibit access in the future. Mr. Rukavina pointed out that by <br />closing off Arona, the City would be creating the "longest cul-de-sac" in the <br />City, and that such situation would be very undesirable from a fire protection <br />standpoint. It was noted that some sort of drive-over control, such as guardposts, <br />could be utilized to control access to only emergency vehicles. Mr. Drown noted <br />that the southeasterly portion of the site was a low area which functioned as a <br />storm water detention pond. He noted that when Comten developed their existing <br />property to the south, that portion of the land occupied by the pond was described <br />
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